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Victoria, despite her pain and dizziness, glared at Daniel and Rachel. "You've always been so consumed with jealousy," she said, her voice filled with anger. "You couldn't stand the fact that I worked hard and earned my position."

Daniel scoffed at her words. "You always think you're so perfect, don't you, Victoria?" he sneered. "But you're not. You're just as flawed as the rest of us."

"And Grace," Victoria continued, ignoring Daniel's words. "She had nothing to do with this. She didn't deserve to be dragged into your petty games."

Rachel finally spoke up. "Grace was just in the wrong place at the wrong time," she said, her voice cold. "She was just collateral damage."

Victoria, despite her fear and anger, was determined to fix things. "What can I do to make this right?" she asked, her voice filled with desperation. "What can I do to help Grace?"

Daniel and Rachel exchanged a glance. "It's too late for that, Victoria," Daniel said, his voice cold. "You can't fix what's already been broken."

"But I can try," Victoria insisted, her voice firm. "Tell me what I can do."

Daniel, with a smug smile on his face, looked at Victoria. "Beg me, Victoria," he said, his voice filled with arrogance. "Plead with me. That's what you can do."

Victoria was taken aback. She could see the twisted satisfaction in Daniel's eyes. It was clear he still had feelings for her, and he was using this situation to manipulate her.

On the other hand, Rachel's response was filled with bitterness. "There's nothing you can do, Victoria," she said, her voice cold. "My career is already ruined after the incident in court. There's no going back."

Daniel, enjoying the power he held over Victoria, demanded she beg him. "Beg me, Victoria," he said, his voice filled with cruel satisfaction. "Beg me in front of everyone."

Grace, despite her weakened state, tried to warn Victoria. "Don't do it, Victoria," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

But Daniel cut her off. "Do it, Victoria," he threatened, his voice cold. "Do it, or Grace gets hurt."

Victoria, torn between her pride and her concern for Grace, made a decision. She knelt down in front of Daniel, her voice steady as she said, "Please, Daniel. Don't hurt Grace."

Grace, watching Victoria kneel and beg for her safety, felt a mix of emotions. She felt guilt for being the reason Victoria was in this situation, but also admiration for Victoria's bravery and selflessness.

Daniel, however, wasn't satisfied. He wanted more. "Victoria," he said, his voice filled with arrogance. "I want you to be mine. All mine."

Victoria, despite her shock and disgust, kept her composure. She knew she had to tread carefully. She had to think about Grace's safety.

"If I agree to be with you, Daniel," Victoria asked, her voice steady despite the fear she felt. "Will you and Rachel leave Grace alone?"

Daniel considered her question for a moment before responding. "Yes," he said, his voice filled with satisfaction. "But you have to please me, Victoria. You have to do everything I say."

Victoria felt a chill run down her spine. She knew she was walking into a dangerous situation, but she was willing to do whatever it took to ensure Grace's safety.

Victoria's words hung in the air, her sarcasm cutting through the tense silence. "Oh, Daniel," she said, her voice dripping with feigned sweetness. "You really do know how to treat a lady, don't you?"

Her words hit Daniel like a slap in the face. His eyes narrowed, and his face contorted into a mask of rage. Victoria could see the anger boiling in his eyes, but she refused to back down. She held his gaze, her own eyes filled with defiance.

For a moment, the room was silent. Then, without warning, Daniel lashed out. His hand connected with Victoria's face, the force of the blow sending her sprawling onto the cold, hard floor. The room spun around her as she struggled to regain her senses, the taste of blood filling her mouth.

Grace cried out from where she was tied up, her voice filled with fear and concern. "Victoria!" she screamed, her voice echoing in the empty room. But Victoria couldn't respond. She was too busy trying to fight off the dizziness that threatened to consume her.

Victoria, despite the pain and dizziness, managed to crawl over to Grace. She secretly handed Grace a small cutter, their hands brushing against each other in a silent promise.

Then, she turned her attention back to Daniel and Rachel. She began to taunt them, using her words as a weapon. "Is this how you treat all your women, Daniel?" she asked, her voice filled with sarcasm. "Or am I just special?"

Her words drew Daniel and Rachel's attention away from Grace. Victoria did her best to dodge Daniel's blows, but her strength was fading. Every now and then, she couldn't avoid a hit, and she would stumble, pain shooting through her body.

But she didn't let it stop her. She kept their attention focused on her, giving Grace the chance she needed.

Victoria, seeing Grace successfully cut the ropes, felt a surge of hope. She gathered all her remaining strength and launched herself at Daniel and Rachel. They didn't expect her to fight back, let alone with such skill. But Victoria had been taking kendo lessons for years, a fact she had cleverly kept hidden.

With swift, precise movements, Victoria managed to knock both Daniel and Rachel to the ground. They groaned in pain, surprise etched on their faces.

Victoria stood over them, a triumphant smile on her face. "Did you really think I was just a helpless lawyer?" she asked, her voice filled with sarcasm. "You should've done your research better."

Victoria, despite the pain coursing through her, managed to keep a steady voice. "You know," she said, her voice filled with satisfaction. "You really should've noticed earlier."

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small device. It was a recording gadget, provided by the police. All this time, she had been recording their conversation, their confessions, their threats.

"I've been recording this whole situation," she said, her voice filled with triumph. "The police will be here any minute now."

Victoria, despite the pain and exhaustion, stood tall. "This time," she said, her voice filled with determination, "I'll make sure you both go to prison. I have all the evidence I need."

Rachel, her face twisted in anger, reached into her pocket. She pulled out a small object and threatened Victoria. But Victoria didn't falter. She confidently walked closer to Rachel, a smirk on her face.

"Oh, Rachel," Victoria said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Do you really think that's going to scare me?"

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