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In the days following the incident at the office, Grace found herself grappling with her feelings. She was feeling a pang of jealousy towards Alex, and it was affecting her friendship with Victoria. She felt distant, unsure of how to navigate her emotions.

Grace had always been close to Victoria, but seeing Alex easily form a bond with Victoria made her feel left out. She found herself pulling away, becoming more reserved.

Victoria, noticing the change in Grace, was filled with concern. "Grace, is something wrong?" she asked one day, her voice filled with worry.

Grace, however, was unsure of how to express her feelings. "It's nothing, Victoria," she said, her voice slightly strained. "I just... I need some time."

Victoria, hearing Grace's words, felt a pang of worry. She cared for Grace, and seeing her friend in distress was hard. "Grace," she said, her voice soft. "I'm here for you, whenever you're ready to talk."

As Victoria was preparing for an important court case, she couldn't help but notice Grace's continued distance. Despite her own worries, Victoria's concern for Grace was paramount. After a long day in court, Victoria decided to confront Grace.

"Grace," she began, her voice gentle but firm. "We need to talk."

Grace, who had been avoiding Victoria, looked at her friend with surprise. "About what?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"About us," Victoria said, her voice filled with concern. "I've noticed you've been distant lately. Is there something you're not telling me?"

Grace, hearing Victoria's words, felt a pang of guilt. She had been avoiding Victoria because of her jealousy towards Alex, and it was affecting their friendship. "Victoria," she said, her voice shaky. "I just... I need some time."

Victoria, hearing Grace's words, nodded. She understood that Grace needed space, but she also wanted to assure her friend of her support. "Alright, Grace," she said, her voice soft. "Take all the time you need. But remember, I'm here for you."

One day, Victoria was presenting a case in court. As a lawyer, she was known for her eloquent speeches and sharp arguments. "Your Honor," she began, her voice steady and confident. "The evidence clearly shows that my client is innocent. We trust that the court will make a just decision."

The courtroom was filled with a tense silence as Victoria presented her arguments. Her determination and passion were evident, and it was clear why she was one of the best lawyers in the city.

Meanwhile, Grace had been spending more time with a new friend, Lily. They had met at a networking event and quickly became friends. Grace found Lily's company comforting, especially given her recent feelings of jealousy and distance from Victoria.

Victoria, noticing Grace's new friendship, felt a pang of worry. She missed her close bond with Grace, but she also understood that Grace needed space. Seeing Grace happy with her new friend, Victoria couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. "As long as she's happy," Victoria thought to herself.


One day, Victoria and Alex decided to spend their day outside the office. They visited a local café, enjoying their coffee while discussing their recent cases. As they were leaving the café, they ran into Grace and Lily.

"Grace!" Victoria called out, surprised to see her friend. However, she couldn't help but notice Grace's distant demeanor.

Grace, seeing Victoria and Alex, forced a smile. "Victoria, Alex," she greeted, her voice lacking its usual warmth.

Victoria, taken aback by Grace's coldness, felt a pang of worry. "Grace, is everything alright?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Grace, avoiding Victoria's gaze, quickly nodded. "Yes, everything's fine," she said, her voice strained. "We should get going, Lily."

As Grace and Lily left, Victoria couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. She turned to Alex, her expression filled with worry. "Alex, do you think I've done something to upset Grace?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. She added, her expression filled with concern. "Alex," she began, her voice shaky. "I think I've upset Grace. She's been distant lately."

Alex, hearing Victoria's concern, nodded. "I've noticed it too," he admitted, his voice filled with worry. "Maybe she just needs some time."

Victoria tried to reach out to Grace over the next few days, but her attempts were met with coldness and distance. Grace was polite, but it was clear that she was pulling away. Victoria felt a pang of sadness. She missed her friend, but she also understood that Grace needed space.

As the days turned into weeks, Victoria found herself reverting back to her old self. She became more introverted, more focused on her work. She missed Grace, but she also knew that she couldn't force their friendship.


As Victoria became more focused on her work, she found herself having less time for Alex and others. She was always buried in case files, working late into the night. Her interaction with Alex was now limited to discussing cases and work-related matters.

Victoria's demeanor also changed. She became more reserved, more distant. She was polite but cold, her interactions with others limited and professional. Her colleagues noticed the change, but they attributed it to the pressure of her work.

There were nights when Victoria would fall asleep in her office, her desk cluttered with files and legal documents. She was working tirelessly, her dedication to her work unwavering. However, the toll it was taking on her was evident.

The day of the court hearing for Daniel's case arrived. As the victim, Victoria had to testify. She was composed, her voice steady as she recounted the incident. The courtroom was filled with a tense silence as Victoria presented her testimony.

Grace, who was also present in the courtroom, couldn't help but notice the change in Victoria. She had reverted back to her old self - reserved, distant, and completely focused on work. Grace felt a pang of guilt. She had distanced herself from Victoria, and now she was seeing the effects of her actions.

Over the next few days, Grace also noticed Victoria's interactions with Alex. Victoria was polite but distant, always turning down Alex's invitations to go out for dinner. "I have work to do, Alex," she would often say, her voice cold and detached.

Grace, seeing all this, felt a sense of regret. She missed her friend, and she couldn't help but feel responsible for Victoria's change.


[COMPLETE] Silent Verdictजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें