Na'vi clans

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Na'vi clans: Na'vi clans exist in every biome of Pandora, and each has its own unique culture, sometimes even unique physiology. Despite their differences and distance from one another, clans stay interconnected through trade and tradition. Although they are largely independent, different clans from distant areas will cooperate in times of great crisis. The only known event that has caused all clans to join together is when they are led by a Toruk Makto, a Na'vi who has managed to ride and control a great leonopteryx and, in doing so, unite all clans under them.

Anurai clan - Renowned artisans who are targeted by humans who wish to steal their artifacts to sell on the black market

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Anurai clan - Renowned artisans who are targeted by humans who wish to steal their artifacts to sell on the black market.

Totem animal: Palulukan (Thanator)

Habitat: The majority of the Anurai live near the bone sanctuary, a bone-littered, arid valley filled with the skeletal remains of Pandora's animals. Water is plentiful and caves are abundant and suitable for living. Some Anurai venture further to explore and find materials for their crafts. The winters are long in the Anurai region and the plants and animals here are generally hardy. The Anurai region is home to a variety of large and dangerous creatures, and local Na'vi hunters tend to travel in groups when they are out in the wild. The Fan Moose is indigenous to the Anurai region and is a reliable mount and companion for the local Na'vi.

Clan history: The Anurai are master artisans and craftspeople; they are particularly adept at making bone tools and artwork. They spare no detail when working on their creations, drawing on the materials around them. A masterful balance of spirit and ingenuity has set them apart from the other clans. Wild imagination and visionary prowess guide them to scavenge the vast, bone-littered land in which they live, while some artisans even travel the world in search of new materials. Both playful and musical, they specialize in fashioning instruments from the bones of animals long laid to rest. Using these and whatever other materials they may find, the Anurai continuously invent and create beautiful objects such as necklaces and sculptures. The tsahìk of the clan traditionally wears a highly intricate and beautifully detailed beaded headdress. Such jewelry is a defining aspect of Anurai culture. The Anurai highly revere the thanator, the deadliest land predator on Pandora, and it is considered their totem animal. Going back generations, the clan upholds a tradition of building thanator totems made from the skeletal remnants of the beast. This intricate bone sculpture requires more than one person to build; the craftspeople must work together to uphold the structure and build upon it as a practice of teamwork and trust.

Approximately 3,000 years before humans arrived on Pandora, the Anurai clan participated in the events that led Entu to become the first Toruk Makto. Entu, along with his companions, Ralu and Tsyal, spent the night in the Anurai clan's territory to rest. While sleeping, the Anurai clan performed their ritual of constructing a thanator totem; this caused nightmares for Entu, whose parents had been killed by a thanator. The following morning, the young Na'vi found one of five artifacts needed to summon a toruk under the thanator totem: a Musical bone crafted by the Anurai, believed to have the ability to summon toruk when played.
Later, when lava flooded the vicinity of the Tree of Souls, the Anurai clan joined the Omatikaya clan and helped them stop the flow of lava by releasing a stream of water.

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