Chapter 2

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Lelouch POV
Lelouch spent a week at home recovering. Meanwhile, RJ was preparing for the battle and had several schoolboys he could rely on in case something went wrong.

After a week, Lelouch was well enough to take on RJ again. The sigh Lelouch observed in the sky as one person banded together against Lelouch before he left for school made him think, "Maybe that was a warning?" He gave it some thought and then gently left, keeping in mind what he had seen.
Lelouch made it halfway. After hiding inside the block for a short while, he saw RJ and other boys waiting to ambush him. Shocked that his prediction had come true, he called RJ and said, "You thought you really could trick me by bringing people involved." RJ then instructed the boys to spread out and look for Lelouch. Lelouch made it halfway.

After hiding inside the block for a short while, he saw RJ and the boys ready to ambush him. Shocked that his prediction had come true, he called RJ and remarked, "You thought you could really trick me by bringing people."

Now that the gang has split up, Lelouch sneaks up on RJ close to the school's entrance, then Lelouch proceeds to hit first, pushing him off the ground and crashing into the wall. Lelouch then grabbed RJ and told him it wasn't fair to fight with your goons jumping in. RJ said, "What's wrong, can't handle a few more people?" After walking to the gate's main entrance, enraged and ready to punch him in the face, Lelouch realised that if he continued, things would only get worse. He threw the man to the ground and gave him a warning. A moment later, RJ called out for help, and as soon as Lelouch heard him cry out, he turned around and waited for help to arrive.

As Lelouch and the RJ Gang were in the meeting, Lelouch gave an explanation of what had happened because the RJ Gang didn't report each other. Eventually, Lelouch reached the point where the fire alarm went off with the rain sprinkler, forcing all of the students to evacuate the building. Before Lelouch left the building, he noticed that RJ was drenched in water and appeared very angry. Lelouch then pursued RJ through the building, having him answer, "To make up for my mistake now we can have a true last-ever conflict of ages Even though this sounds exciting, Lelouch says, "I guess you got a point. Was this really necessary?" The battle that was meant to happen only resulted in a sinister smile from RJ as he charged towards Lelouch, full of vengeful anger. The final destined battle begins!
Lelouch collapsed to the floor as it gave way violently. After avoiding the first blow, Lelouch was struck in the right arm and screamed in agony.

RJ then launched a furious attack on Lelouch, hitting him with more punches and kicks. At that point, Lelouch began to glow and sensed the power of destiny flowing through him. Lelouch stood motionless as RJ attacked with more ferocity, taking away his pain as he stood there grinning to himself.

As RJ continued Lelouch grabbed RJ's hand as it was about to hit him he twisted it making RJ scream telling Lelouch to stop but he did not listen he replied serious tone "No RJ I'm not going to stop you brought this upon yourself did you not realise when I started to glow.  Through of course you didn't so just shut up and be silent alright don't forget how many times you attacked me first so that's the same I'm gonna do to you." RJ with big eyes widen in shock as he tried to apologise Lelouch replied "nope to late RJ." Lelouch punched him on his belly, on his face twisted his arms ninja double flipped him to the ground and kicked him hard

As RJ continued Lelouch grabbed RJ's hand as it was about to hit him he twisted it making RJ scream telling Lelouch to stop but he did not listen he replied serious tone "No RJ I'm not going to stop get in the car or else..." Lelouch thought to himself as he gently pushed RJ in the car he watched as RJ gasped for breath as if he had just been punched in the stomach. "I 'm... not ready..." he replied before getting in the car.

Lelouch frowned as he slowly drove away Lelouch turned around to find where Professor Birch was but it was too late as the sound of tires squashed. Just please tell me why."

RJ said in a sickened voice as he gasped for air. "How can you possibly know that?" He turned to face his fully as he took a few seconds to think and think he did he knew but.

It's simple "he said softly RJ pulled back he looked at him eyes full of hurt tears" I hate you! "he yelled RJ turned away and got in without waiting for a response from Lelouch you brought this upon yourself did you not realise when I started to glow with the powers of destiny when you was attacking me first I was trying to save you by putting me in front of you!" RJ said angrily and with growing anger he pointed at the car "I'm leaving this car, but you should never look at me the same way ever again though of course you didn't so just shut up and be silent and you know what..." he paused a few moments. "I'm going to your house..." he started again running with all his might the air blew into the car.

"You'd better save that guy, cause if he dies you alright don't forget how many times I've left you and came back because I want you to know what that's like. Did you not realise then that my feelings were real? Did you not understand why I'm hurting? No I didn't really but I'm you attacked me first so that's the same I'm gonna do to you." RJ with big eyes widen in shock as he tried to apologize

Lelouch replies nope to late RJ." Lelouch punched the gas and flew from the ground as Lelouch looked at the time and he flew away from his home.

As the night approached there was hardly a glimpse of light when the sun started to go down RJ's wings him on his belly, on his face twisted his arms ninja double flipped him on the ground and kicked him hard .RJ eyes were widened for a moment as he tried to get up and get free but it was too late Lelouch was already coming towards him with his arms up. "Now are RJ you know we are in the middle of the final battle that we are in get ready to fight me or are you gonna to run from me?"

RJ narrowed his eyes as his breathing was getting heavy as he felt like everything around him was in chaos. "No don't you even dare to get yourself in a corner and say you don't wanna fight me Lelouch". RJ countered the question with a smile and with an evil feeling entered his body .

Lelouch raised his eyebrows when he drew near "No I'm not going to fight you I'm too busy saving your butt and that's my orders which you obviously disobeyed, because otherwise you wouldn't be here as the enemy now?" RJ was ready as he grabbed his arm and slung it behind him before hurling Lelouch into the wall. Lelouch cried as he put his hand on RJ's head, spinning him around and went for his wrist.

"No... no no..."RJ screamed as he stood back up, feeling pain in both legs and blood seeping through his trousers. His only goal was to escape, but Lelouch was drawing near, so he had to launch his planned attack. That was too much for him to handle as Lelouch teased, "My, your face is quite mashed up."

As he prepared to take on Lelouch, RJ punched the air and raised his arms in a protective position. "Let me tell you something RJ, you're gonna lose this battle RJ we will kill you at least twice more and the final victory will be mine!" Lelouch struck RJ with his hands and fists, roaring in the process.

Lelouch kicked RJ in the chest to terminate their battle after he was playing about with him, leaving him prostrate on the ground. Lelouch then left and went to join his class in the assembly hall. RJ was exhausted from all the fighting that day and lay flat on the ground, his entire body hurting yet he was immobile. Lelouch was waiting with his class while the school was submerged in water. He was lost in meditation, picturing how the horizon foretold the future, at which point the head teacher said that everyone should go because of what had transpired at school.

When Lelouch arrived home and relaxed for the day, he thought back on how crazy the day had been. Later that night, he walked back to the same location and noticed a strange figure staring up at the sky, perhaps seeing what the horizon could reveal about this person's future.


A/N And then we go to the next part of the story where we get introduce to some new characters. Well that's it for chapter 2 the next update chapter 3 will be out soon as I will get some new ideas for the characters I'll be introducing next stay tuned to see what will happen next. Would there be more chaos or will Lelouch change his ways and find his true meaning of destiny. This is the second chapter of the book I hope you guys are enjoying it so far.

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