Chapter 4

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Jasmine POV
Jasmine waited for over an hour to receive the call from Lelouch after he went home after his date with Jasmine, but he never picked up the call. She asked herself, "Could he be depressed or unhappy, or is he busy doing other things? She thought for herself.
Lelouch, after spending time with Jasmine, was in deep thought; he was not ready for it yet.
He did not realize his phone had been vibrating all day; he was zoned out.
Jasmine, feeling stressed, replied, "Why is he not picking up my calls? He's taking them forever." walking, pacing back and forth.

Lelouch needed some space; he was in his room, addicted to his games, and he wasn't in the mood to talk. When Jasmine tried to call Lelouch, he was deep in thought about the altercation they had the other day, but for some reason, Lelouch ignored her. He noticed his phone ringing four times before answering it and asking who it might be. He immediately apologized for not responding sooner. I think it might have been Jasmine. I was thinking too much. He hoped Jasmine would not get mad about the misunderstanding. "Lelouch, what's wrong? Jasmine had an awful feeling that something was wrong. "What do you mean by 'something'? Jasmine asked him. "I had to go home and change my clothes. I took a shower and all my clothes were wet." Lelouch did not want to admit to Jasmine that his senses were actually getting worse. 

Jasmine waited for over an hour to receive the call from Lelouch after he went home after his date with Jasmine, but he never picked up the call. She asked herself, "Could he be depressed or unhappy, or is he busy doing other things? She thought for herself.
Lelouch, after spending time with Jasmine, was in deep thought; he was not ready for it yet.
He did not realize his phone had been vibrating all day; he was zoned out.
Jasmine, feeling stressed, replied, "Why is he not picking up my calls? He's taking them forever." walking, pacing back and forth.

"What do you mean by your senses are worse?" Jasmine replied, concerned. "I didn't know what you were talking about." She had no clue. Lelouch told Jasmine everything. He felt terrible about the whole situation. "You didn't have to tell me anything," Jasmine responded, feeling sympathetic. She understood.

"I understand now." "You can tell me  anything; you don't have to worry about it." Jasmine reassured him. Lelouch replied, "Thank you." I am glad to hear you say that. Jasmine told him, "Don't worry, it's okay. Just focus on your studies." I want you to be happy. He said, "You're right, I have to focus on my studies. Thank you for your help, Jasmine."
Jasmine smiled, telling Lelouch, "You're welcome." Take care, and remember, don't do anything stupid." Lelouch answered, "Okay."
Jasmine went back to the dorms, wondering if she was going to meet the girl again. She was not going to get mad at the girl for being Lelouch girlfriend. She was just worried about his future.
As Jasmine entered the dorms, she noticed C.C. watching a movie and eating pizza. "How was your date with Lelouch?" C.C. asked. Jasmine was not in the mood to discuss her date. "I am not in the mood, so please excuse me. She needed time to process her thoughts. C.C. did not push Jasmine into telling her anything. Jasmine went over to her desk putting on her headphones listening to music as she puts her head down she was deep in thoughts.

Jasmine went to the kitchen looking for some food. Lelouch was on his laptop, staring at his computer. He had just eaten, and the leftovers were still sitting on the desk. Lelouch heard someone knocking on his door. Lelouch was used to people constantly asking him to talk. He wanted to tell people everything; he just needed to let it out. Lelouch decided to ignore the girl and keep his mind busy, so he finished his class work. It was 9:30pm.Jasmine tried to open the door to the empty room. After three times, she finally gave up, and decided to text Lelouch. Hey, Lelouch. Come down for a snack. I am cooking dinner. It's getting cold. You know you can come down now. If you don't respond, I will know that you are not coming down. I would really like you to come down. Hope you are having a good day. Her phone vibrated, and she noticed Lelouch phone sitting on his desk. She walked over to his desk, picked up his phone, and opened it to find a message from her. The message read, "Lelouch, I'm sorry. I will be up in a little bit. See you later." She put her phone back into her pocket. She put the food on the plate, sat down, and started to eat the food. After she ate, she took a quick shower, dressed, and made her way down to the main floor. As she walked, she saw C.C. eating pizza and watching the news. As she walked passed her, she gave her the phone back. "Thanks for the phone."

Jasmine headed to the living room and placed her phone on the coffee table. C.C. looked up from the TV as Jasmine walked into the room. "You want to talk about it?" she asked." No," Jasmine replied. C.C. sat down next to her and put her arm around her. "I'll give you some space. Do you need a drink?" she asked." No," Jasmine replied. C.C. looked at her for a moment, then got up, "Thanks for the offer, but I think I should be going." She left the room leaving Jasmine alone. Jasmine started to cry and ran to her room. She slammed the door and locked it. As she heard footsteps running away, she wept herself to sleep. In the morning, Jasmine was still crying when she woke up. She walked down the hall to the kitchen to get some water. She then walked to her room and took a shower. The hot water felt nice, and she was able to finally wash the fear away. After her shower, she wrapped Jasmine responded, "No, nothing is wrong. I just missed you." Lelouch replied, "I missed you, too." As they spoke, they did not realize there was someone else in the room. Lelouch father came into the room and stood in the corner. He said, "Lelouch, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I am here to take you home for dinner." Lelouch was not in the mood to argue with his father. "I'm not in the mood, but thanks dad."

The two of them went to the kitchen where C.C. was finishing up dinner. Lelouch father introduced him to his dad, and they shook hands. Lelouch father sat down next to Jasmine. "I hope you two will be okay. Are you heading back to school tomorrow?" Lelouch and Jasmine nodded. Lelouch father said, "Well, have a good night." Lelouch said, "Have a good night." The two of them went up to Jasmine's room. As Lelouch and Jasmine made their way to their room, Lelouch walked over to his book bag and pulled out his phone. Jasmine sighed, wondering if this was going to while she was thinking about it, Lelouch answered, "Hello. "A recording said, "Hey Lelouch, my name is Juliette. I'm the one who sent you that letter, and I'm here to help you.

How about you and me talk? I'm just a few blocks away, so feel free to stop by whenever you're ready." She then hung up. Lelouch looked at the phone, shrugged, and put it back into his bag. "I guess I'll go by her after school, and maybe we can talk." "Yes," replied Jasmine. "We'll have to talk." At about 3 o'clock, Lelouch walked out of his house and stepped onto the street. He took the short cut, so he arrived at the address five minutes before he expected her.

She was sitting on the porch of a house about five houses down. As he approached, she smiled and waved at him. "Hi Lelouch. I'm Juliette." She said, and held out her hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you," Lelouch replied. "Come inside." She motioned to the door. Lelouch hesitated, and then stepped through the door. She led him through the living room and into the kitchen. "Please have a seat," she said. He took a seat and waited while she prepared two cups of tea. She handed him a cup and sat down. "So, Lelouch," she said, sipping her tea. "Tell me about yourself." Lelouch stared into the teacup. "I'm just a guy, trying to survive."Juliette smiled. "It sounds like you're a good man." "Thank you." They chatted for a few minutes, and then Juliette asked him, "Can I ask you something? "Sure," replied Lelouch. "You mentioned the name Jasmine in the letter. What does that mean?" "Oh," replied Lelouch. "That's my nickname. Everyone calls me Jasmine." Juliette smiled and nodded. "I'm sorry for asking," she said. "But I was curious." Lelouch smiled and shrugged. "It's okay," he said. They finished their tea, and Juliette showed him to the door. "I hope we can meet again soon," she said. She smiled and closed the door behind him. As he walked down the street, he thought, "I hope I didn't make a mistake."

Lelouch was a little bit confused.

Jasmine was the most important person in the world to him, but why did she want him to meet another woman?

He thought to himself, "This is very weird."

Lelouch was not sure what to think, and he was not going to try and figure it out.

Lelouch had no idea what was going on, and he was not going to get involved.

Thank you for reading my story I hope you guys are enjoying this so far
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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