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tw: cursing

i sat on my tombstone, fumbling with my fingers. i thought ash would care more than this. i thought she'd save me, not testify against me. i was wrong. now nothing could save me. travis had died in that pit in the battle, larry was somewhere else, todd and ashley were living together to support each other after all that trauma they had to endure. todd saw the love of his life hanging by his legs naked and lifeless.

a small group of people in black followed behind a few men carrying a coffin. i quickly floated ahead of them to see the name on the headstone. travis matthew phelps. travis? travis! his spirit couldn't be far behind, unless...all of that jesus crap was real. did that mean...no...i saw him following behind the people and looking in utter shock at the scene before him. he looked just as scared about being dead as i was, his face pale and body trembling.

"travis, is that-" he turned around quickly and his eyes went wide. "sally!" he yelled as he pulled me into a tight hug while spinning me around. "god, i missed you!" i squeezed him back. "i was so worried about you. what happened to church boy?" i asked with a light chuckle. he explained how he had to wait for judgement day, something. i coudn't really pay attention. i was too focused on the fact that i had my trav back.

"if i've gotta wait an eternity to get there, i'm glad its with you, sally face."

"me too, trav."

written 11/6/23 (258 words) requested by 

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