chapter four: the library

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The following weeks flew by in a flash and autumn had officially arrived. The castle got colder and colder, and we spent most of our time out of class, curled up by the fire in our common room.

One afternoon I was sitting in one of the armchairs closest to the fireplace with Daphne on the floor between my legs. Despite having long hair all her life, Daphne had never learned how to properly braid it, and always asked me for help.

Pansy strode into the room with Tracey Davis behind her, holding some kind of flyer in her hand. She went over to the common room notice board and began pinning it up.

"What's that?" Daphne asked, and by turning her head I accidentally tugged on her hair.

"The library is looking for an assistant, if some poor soul even wants the job," Pansy replied, and headed up to the dorms. An assistant? I'd heard of a few student jobs around the school, but usually they were gone before people even had the chance to sign up.

"Didn't you say you would like to earn your own money, Seph?" said Daphne.

I had, actually. Being from a wealthy family, I'd never had to worry about anything money related, but I never really wanted to spend it. I'd always felt like spending my own hard-earned money would feel a lot better, since it would be rightfully mine and not just a gift from my parents.

"Yeah. Should I?"

"I think you should. It would be good for you."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, no offence, but you do nothing but study all day. A distraction could be nice."

As much as I hated to admit it, my life at Hogwarts wasn't as full of adventure and unforgettable experiences as I had imagined when I had first arrived here six years ago. I'd thought of shortening my study sessions, but my crippling fear of failure always stopped me before I got any ideas. Harry Potter and his friends juggled schoolwork and saving the world just fine, but so what? At least I wasn't being hunted by the most evil wizard of all time. A headache from studying wouldn't kill me.

"You should apply, really," said Daphne, interrupting my thoughts.

"Fine." I took a hairband and tied the end of her second braid. "You're all done."

"Thanks." She got up to her feet and gave me a smile. Then her eyes flicked up to the opening common room door. It was Riddle and Nott. "Hey, Theo."

"Oh, hey," Nott replied. "I like your braids."

"Thanks," said Daphne. Riddle and I exchanged a look, and I couldn't hold my amusement any longer. Riddle laughed all the way up the stairs, despite Nott asking him what the hell he found so funny.

"What?" said Daphne, genuinely confused. "Seraphina, tell me right now or I'll hex you."

It was time she knew the truth. "He likes you."

Daphne slumped down on the arm rest of the chair, frowning. "Well, we're friends, but-"

"No, Daphne, he likes you." I grinned. Daphne's frown only deepened.

"No he doesn't. What makes you think that?"

"It literally couldn't be more obvious," I said, and Daphne's cheeks went pink.

"Do you really think so?" she said, lowering her voice to a whisper. Oh my god, this was so exciting.

"Yeah. And do you like him back?"

Daphne hesitated for a second, then nodded slowly. I gasped and punched her in the arm.

"Ow, what was that for?"

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