Chapter 5: Bet

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Season 1, Episode 5

As her dad, Lucy and Jackson are working a block party on their day off, Joy lays on a pool chair out in the backyard. She's tanning and enjoying some time off.

Feeling something drip on her and her sun being blocked, she looks up to see her dad standing in front of her, and dripping wet, "Good day at the block party, Officer Nolan?"

"Grey wants you to fill out forms for a new body cam for me. Mine got a little...wet."


Joy makes some pancakes in Lucy's kitchen the next morning, "So, where does your dad think you spent the night last night?"

"Here. I told him that it was girls night and that I probably wouldn't be home. Admit what you have to and omit what you can," Joy smiles, sliding a plate of food over to her girlfriend as Lucy sets a cup of coffee next to the stove for Joy.

"When...when do you want to tell your dad about us? I mean, do you want to?" Lucy asks, playing slightly with her food.

"I do want to tell him. But he's a 40 year rookie. If he's distracted, he could get killed. Me dating one of his Academy best friends could result in major harm. I'd rather wait till he's longer than only a month on the job."

Lucy nods, kissing Joy quickly, "Understood. We can revisit this once we're six months in."


Joy follows Grey into roll call, "All right, settle down. Don't think I didn't see you up in my spot, Bradford."

As she passes him, Joy whispers to the TO, "Busted," Which earns a laugh from Angela and Bishop.

"So, I am aware that today is the day where our TO units compete for most arrests. Under no circumstances does the department endorse this. Meaning...I don't want to hear about your points or strategy. Am I clear, Officer Bradford?" Grey asks as Joy takes a seat at her spot up front.

He nods, sitting up slightly, "Yes, sir. This job isn't about winning. It's about good policing and teamwork."

Grey looks back to Joy, "Do you believe that Miss. Nolan?"

Twirling her pencil, she glances over at Lucy, "Admit what you have to, omit what you can. It's strategy."

The rookie blushes as she looks down. They finish roll call and as everyone is dismissed, Grey looks over to Joy, "I've got Lopez and West. Who you got?"

"Bradford and Chen," Joy leans forward, "Loser buys coffee and bagels for a week?"

Grey reaches his hand out to shake in agreement, "You're on."


Joy pulls out a small whiteboard as she gets updates from the group-chat with the rookies, "Team Bishop has seven points and Team Lopez has 21 points."

"And where is Team Bradford on this?" Grey asks, smirking.

"Do not underestimate Lucy Chen. Nor Tim Bradford. I have a feeling that you will be buying me my latte and cinnamon bagel for the rest of the week," Joy looks to her laptop, tracking the movement of each shop.

Grey chuckles, shaking his head, "You sure are more entertaining than my last assistant."

That catches Joy's attention, "By the time I came in for training, they were gone. Nobody told me what happened. Care to fill me in?"

He nods, "Mr. Gordon was caught selling highly confidential information to some very bad people. He was immediately released and arrested. Which is why you were hired so fast and had to go through such a rigorous screening."

 "Makes sense. Also explains the deep, deep dive into all parts of my life. You know you guys contacted three of my exes who then called me to bitch about it?" Joy tells him.

"Yeah, Miss. Vanderwood was not happy to receive our call about you," Grey laughs.

"Gloria Vanderwood. Bitchiest person I've ever met. The sex was fun though."

Grey starts to look uncomfortable, "And on that note, I'm gonna get back to work."

"Team Lopez is up to 28 points."


Joy alerts Grey, "Teams Bishop and Bradford are at the home of one Mr. Askari currently."

"7-Adam-15, requesting SWAT for a hostage situation, one dead, code 3," Bishop calls in.

"SWAT is in route," Joy tells Grey, on comms with the team lead.

"7-Adam-15, we are clear. Three suspects detained."

Turning to Grey, she sulks, "I think we both lost."

Grey shakes his head, "I don't know how. Bishop never plays. But I somehow think Bradford will still win."

She looks to him, "Why?"


"After some complicated math, the winner is...." Angela announces to the group after shift as they all get drinks, "Bradford and Chen! Which means their drinks are also free." 

They cheer and applaud, Joy getting out her phone to text Grey, "Oh, come on Nolan, are you ratting us out to Grey?" Tim asks, spotting her on her phone.

Joy snorts, "No. I'm telling Grey my coffee and bagel order since he owes me for the next week."

Jackson shakes his head, "Wait a minute. You two bet on this?"

"Hey, we are stuck in that office all day while you all are out in the streets. How do you think we keep ourselves entertained?" Joy rolls her eyes, taking a sip of her beer.

"Wait, if you won, that means you bet on Bradford and Lucy, not me?" John looks down at his daughter, faking hurt.

"Dad, Talia doesn't compete in this and you are overly competitive. I figured the two would balance each other out," Joy explains, laughing at the explicit anger Grey sends back.

Angela asks her, sitting down, "And what about Jackson and I?"

Joy pouts, "Grey called you guys first."


Lucy and Joy sit on the ground in Lucy's living room, slowly making out as a random show plays on the TV in front of them, "So, does the winner want anything special tonight? Say, me on a platter, covered in...well, winner's choice."

Smirking, Lucy grabs a can of whipped cream and some chocolate sauce, "I don't want to make too much of a sticky mess in my bed tonight. The last time took forever to clean. Get on the kitchen table like a good girl."

Joy has never moved faster in her life.


AN: Hey y' you doin'? Sorry it's been so long but life got away from me. And sorry this is kind of short.

I'm hoping I'm back to regularly updating, but we'll see.

QoC: Who do you want Joy to ride along with first?

Thank you for all of the votes and reads and comments!!!

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