II. Still Into You

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'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all

Yeah, after all this time,

I'm still into you

"Wait, so he just..got into your car?" Violet asked incredulously from her spot, leaning against the island while Miley sat on their counter next to the sink. "How the hell does he think that's okay? Do you know how crazy that is?"

"Yes, and he apologized for it," She pointed out. "I would have thought you would be all gungho talking about fate and shit. All that jazz."

"I was getting to that," Violet said with a smirk. "You have to look hot tonight. Not that you wouldn't, but the costume needs to be perfect."

"I was planning on going as Starfire a few years ago," Miley answered. "I still have the costume. I chose her since my hair is red now, and it was then."

Violet made a face, "Which one?"

"The Super Sons' version from 2017," Miley answered and pulled up a picture of the costume she had.

"That is perfect," Violet agreed. "There is no way you won't get attention, and not just from Colby."

"Vi, I don't care about that," She told her friend. "It actually the only costume I have at the moment, so if you didn't like the idea then I wouldn't be going."

"Oh you would be going," Violet told her, "I would just not be as good. You would have to go as cupid or something cliche."

Miley nodded, "well I am going to fish out that costume from the depths of my closet," She informed her friend. "Could you help me with my makeup when it's time for me to get ready?"

Violet nodded, "of course love," she answered. "I was already prepared for that. You will look amazing for lover boy."

"Lover boy?" Miley questioned. Then she shook her head, "No, we are just old friends." She continued to shake her head until she was in her room. Goose ran in before she could fully close the door and he jumped up onto the bed.


"Are you sure this isn't too much?" Miley asked Violet through her bathroom mirror. She put her costume on and now they were doing her makeup. She would fix her hair after. She just had to straighten it.

"Yes I am sure," Violet answered confidently. "More than half the girls there will be wearing less or the same amount as you. You have nothing to be nervous about. You look hot! And also, stop getting into your head so much. You will have way more fun at this party if you don't think about other people's opinions."

Miley nodded and took a deep breath as Violet finished up. Miley finished her hair and put on her shoes when she got a text from Colby saying that he was there. "He's here," she told Violet. "Remember, pringles is the secret word that we use for 'fucking come get me out of this hell hole now', okay?"

Violet nodded and basically started pushing her out of the door, "yes, yes, I understand," she answered as she began to close their door. "Go have fun, and stop worrying!" then the door shut before Miley could say anything back.

Once she got outside, she found Colby leaning against his car in his costume. He was dressed in all pink and had a pig's snout around his neck. She laughed at him as she walked to him. he looked hilarious. "Damn," He commented as she walked towards him, "I'm gonna look like a complete idiot next to you tonight."

Miley felt her cheek heat up at the compliment, "thanks," She told him. "You won't look stupid. I kinda feel stupid in this. It was a costume from a few years ago so." Miley shrugged.

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