IV. Electric Touch

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All I know is this could either break my heart

or bring it back to life

Got a feelin' your electric touch

could fill this ghost town up with life

Miley took a nap after class before remembering that Colby had invited her over to hang out at his place. She woke up to a text from him asking if she still wanted to hang out. She quickly replied saying yes and sorry for falling asleep. She quickly changed clothes. Miley put a white sheer open V-neck top over her black tank top and a pair of dark blue champion sweat pants. She put her Converse on quickly and then pulled out her phone again. He had replied saying 'No worries'. Miley smiled to herself and told him she was leaving now. Violet still wasn't back from her classes yet so she texted her as well, telling her where she would be if Violet got back before she did. Miley said goodbye to Goose and then walked out her door and down to her car.

It only took her 13 minutes to get to his house. When Colby picked her up for the Halloween party it had taken him 15, but she always had a lead foot according to Violet and her friends from Texas. Though she would tell them they always reached their destinations just fine. Miley texted Colby to let him know that she was there. She had her hand up, about to knock on the door when Colby opened it for her with a bright smile.

"Hey sleepy head," He greeted her happily. She looked at him flatly but cracked a smile after a second. She couldn't help it. 

"Hey," She answered. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"It's alright, you're here now," he informed her. "So, would you like to go on a little exploration?"

 "'A little exploration'?" Miley repeated as they walked further into the house. "And what do you mean by that Mr. Brock? Little as in we are going 'exploring' in a well-lit park? Or 'little' as in I should run by the urgent care to get a tetanus shock, rabies shot, and do a quick bit of research on how to exorcise demons out of people?"

Colby laughed and shook his head at her. "If you don't want to..if you're scared or something..." He raised his hands slightly in surrender.

Miley stopped walking for a second and looked up at him. "No," She answered him confidently. "I'm not scared, I'll do it. I'll go." Colby kept his smile and nodded. 

"Okay," he answered. "Okay sounds good. We are going with Jake and Corey if that's alright."

 Miley nodded, "yeah, yeah that's fine," she answered. "Where are we going?"

Colby nodded, "it'll be fun I promise," he told her. "And the asylum isn't even all that haunted. And it's not really trespassing if you don't get caught."

Miley laughed and shook her head at him. "It isn't all that haunted you said?" she scoffed. "Is it 'not all that haunted' like there's been terrible and horrific things that have happened there to over a dozen women and children? Or 'not all that haunted' meaning really kids go there to fuck around and try to scare people?"

Colby tilted his head, "You don't trust me do you?"

Miley shook her head, "it's not that I don't trust you," she answered. "I do trust you, it's just I know you don't tell me all the information before you invite me to places like this."

Jake came into the room, and laughed, "she's got you there brother," he added. "Are you coming with us? You should, it will be fun."

"That is what Colby said," Miley answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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