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In this bustling world of endless noise,
Where complexity reigns and chaos thrives,
One finds reprieve in nature's gentle poise,
In the beauty that simplicity provides.

Behold the humble flower, so delicate,
Its petals unfurling with grace untold,
No need for gaudy jewels to elevate,
For its natural beauty cannot be sold.

The flowing river, with its tranquil stream,
Reflects the sky's expanse of endless blue,
No need for flashy tricks or pompous schemes,
For its serene simplicity will do.

Oh, how the simplest things in nature's hand,
Can captivate us with their beauty grand.

The mighty oak, with branches reaching high,
Stands tall and proud, yet simple in its form,
No artifice or elaborate lie,
Just strength and beauty, weathering each storm.

And what of birds, who sing with pure delight,
Their melodies so sweet and unadorned,
No need for flashy tunes or showy flight,
Their simple songs leave hearts and souls transformed.

The golden sun, with its warm, gentle rays,
Brings light and life to all beneath its gaze,
No need for dazzling displays or grand displays,
For its simplicity brightens each new day.

Oh, how the simplest things in nature's hand,
Can captivate us with their beauty grand.

From rolling hills to tranquil meadows green,
Nature's simplicity fills every space,
No need for opulence or grandiose scene,
For its quiet beauty cannot be replaced.

So let us pause, and in simplicity,
Find solace in the world that nature brings,
Embrace the beauty that surrounds us, see,
That in its simplicity, true joy rings.

Oh, how the simplest things in nature's hand,
Can captivate us with their beauty grand.

In nature's arms, we find our truest peace,
In its simplicity, our souls release.

Inner Reflections (Poetry from the Soul)Where stories live. Discover now