Love and Hate

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In the realm of human emotion's vast domain,
There exists a dichotomy that causes pain,
Love and hate, two forces intertwined,
Their presence felt in every mind.

Love, the beacon that lights the darkest night,
A warm embrace that brings us pure delight.
It nurtures, heals, and makes our spirits soar,
A gentle touch that leaves us wanting more.

Love is the language spoken by the heart,
A symphony of feelings that sets us apart.
It knows no boundaries, no limits to its power,
A force that can bloom like the sweetest flower.

But alongside love, there dwells a darker shade,
A bitter venom that makes our hearts afraid.
Hate, a poison that seeps into our souls,
Consuming us whole, leaving us feeling cold.

Hate is the fire that burns with rage,
A destructive force that leaves us in a cage.
It breeds resentment, breeds anger and disdain,
A hurricane of emotions that drives us insane.

Yet, love and hate are not so far apart,
They dance together, entwined from the start.
For love's flame can turn to hate's fiery wrath,
When trust is broken, when hearts bear the aftermath.

But even in hate, a flicker of love remains,
A glimmer of hope that alleviates the pains.
For hate is born from a love gone astray,
A reminder of the depth love can portray.

To love is to risk, to open oneself wide,
To embrace vulnerability, to let love reside.
But hate emerges when love is betrayed,
When trust is shattered, when hearts are dismayed.

So let us cherish love and embrace its grace,
And strive to rid our hearts of hate's disgrace.
For in the balance between love and hate,
We find the richness of our human fate.

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