Chapter 3-Plan

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He puts me down while saying "And here we are." I think while he spoke "I am already hurt because of what we did to him." I feel the cold hit me skin so I shiver a bit.I then hear Alya's voice say "Y/n." I turn to the voice to see Marinette,Nino and Alya.

I walk to them as she says "Me and Nino were walking to your house to visit you when he took us here.He took Marinette when she was getting stuff for you.We can't leave because he's controlling the staff." She holds my arm and says in a worried voice "Y/n you're freezing cold." I respond "Alya...I'm fine." I feel Marinette hold my shoulder before she said "Y/n you're not fine.You are still sick." Alya says "And you Lupus do you want her to get more sick?She shouldn't be outside in this condition." I hear Marinette whisper "Alya.Don't." Alya looks at us then asks "Nino can you give us your jacket?"

(btw Y/n isn't wearing a hoodie since the picture of her is just of her normal clothes.She is wearing a short sleeved shirt.)

Before he could Lupus removes his and puts it on me while saying "Here she can take mine since I care for my family unlike Gabriel Agreste."

I take it and it feels so warm and soft.I move away with Marinette as he uses to ladyblog to try to make us show up.I say "Marinette what's the plan?" She shrugs before saying "I don't know." I respond "With or without the mask we're still heroes Marinette." She sighs then notices something (picture in his shirt pocket) and whispers "He has a picture in his shirt pocket." I see it then we whisper a plan.

I call out "Adrien." He looks my direction so I continue "I'm sorry I ignored you today." The other 3 were shocked that I did that while he says "hmmm." He walks to me while Marinette leaves to Alya and Nino.He holds my chin and asks "Are you really sorry?" I say "Yeah I am." He holds me then says "If you are... then don't struggle." I hear Alya ask the same question I have "What is he going to do?" Marinette tells them "I don't know but please don't do anything stupid Alya."

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