Chapter 4-Kitten Noir

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He was about to kiss me but something got thrown at him then I saw the cat kwami mine said was called Plagg.He yells "GRAB THE RING." I grab it then Marinette signals 'say plagg claws out' so I nod. Lupus says "Oh you little..." I yell "PLAGG CLAWS OUT." I transform to Kitten Noir.

Lupus looks shocked so I say "Marinette get Alya and Nino to safety." She nods but they don't move so I say "Marinette try to 'contact Ladybug over there." She understood my plan so she left while Nino and Alya stayed.

I turn and say "Adrien it's me.I don't want to fight you." He tells me "Then don't.Just hand over the ring." I say "I refuse to hand the ring over." He and I fought until I decided I had to escape.I say "Come and get your little kitty cat,Lupus~." I slid down the Eiffel Tower and soon ran.

I see I will transform back soon so I go into an alleyway and transform back.Plagg tells me that it was his idea for Adrian to turn back so I was furious.I called down and told him to run with the miraculous.I say to
Nixx and Skylaa "You both stay hidden." They nod and hide in my hoodie.I leaned against a wall then suddenly he appeared and pinned me to the wall.

He says "Well,well,well.Looks like your little transform is over.What will you do now?" I get scared and start to whimper as tears almost flood my eyes.I say in a scared voice "Adrien this isn't you." He responds in an annoyed voice "Indeed now where is the ring?" I answer "It's gone.He took it when he escaped."

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