Chapter Four... Blood Over Faction

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A pale ring of sunlight burns into the clouds like the end of a lit cigarette. I will never smoke one myself—the smell of them always makes me sick—but a crowd of Candor smokes them in front of the building when we head to the Hub. I wondered if they thought it made them look better, smoking like that. They really loved giving me reasons to avoid them.

I have to tilt my head back to see the top of the Hub, and even then, part of it disappears into the clouds. It is the tallest building in the city. I've always hated the sight of it. Something so tall that I could still see it in my faction scared me. What if it came crashing down one day?

I follow behind my parents, my sisters hand clasped in mine as she had practically begged to come along. Not all parents and siblings bother coming to these ceremonies but my family... Well they lived to be supportive. I get the distinct impression that my heart will burst out of my chest any minute now, and I grab my fathers arm to steady myself as I walk up the front steps.

The elevator is crowded, so much so that an Abnegation man gives us his place with a nod to my father. It feels stifling, so many bodies pressed together in such a space. Wasn't there a weight limit to these things? If there was I was sure we were far surpassed it. I shifted nervously closer to my father.

Finally the twentieth floor, it felt like ages but I'm sure it was much longer for those who were taking other routes to get to the ceremony. The crowd presses me forward, out of the elevator and into the room where I will decide the rest of my life. It was times like this that I wish I had an older sibling to ask what I should be doing in these situations.

The room is arranged in concentric circles. On the edges stand the sixteen-year-olds of every faction. We are not called members yet; our decisions today will make us initiates, and we will become members if we complete initiation. Even if we were born in that faction.

I see Lily and guilt fills me as I think of what Asher said yesterday. She smiles brightly at me

'I confessed' she mouths to me and relief fills me. That was right last night didn't happen, I was mistaken. Lily and Asher were the perfect couple. I smiled back at her as we make our way to our spots, not wanting to hold anyone up with our exchange.

We arrange ourselves in alphabetical order, according to the last names we may leave behind today. I stand beside Ryan Friesen, an Erudite boy who looked lost in his own thoughts. A few spots away I can see Asher trying to get my attention, but I ignore him.

Rows of chairs for our families make up the next circle. They are arranged in five sections, according to faction. Not everyone in each faction comes to the Choosing Ceremony, but enough of them come that the crowd looks huge.

The responsibility to conduct the ceremony rotates from faction to faction each year, and this year is Abnegation's. Marcus will give the opening address and read the names in reverse alphabetical order.

In the last circle are five metal bowls so large they could hold my entire body, if I curled up. Each one contains a substance that represents each faction: gray stones for Abnegation, water for Erudite, earth for Amity, lit coals for Dauntless, and glass for Candor.

When Marcus calls my name, I will walk to the center of the three circles. I will not speak. He will offer me a knife. I will cut into my hand and sprinkle my blood into the bowl of the faction I choose.

My blood on the stones. My blood soaking in the earth. My blood sizzling on the coals.

Before my parents sit down, they stand in front of me. My father kissed my forehead and then clapped me on the shoulder. His dimpled cheeks an odd comfort as he grinned down at me.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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Divergent; The Rarest Flowerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें