"She did actually care about you kid"

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Logan was forced into a chair and he looked at the man across the table.

"So, this is the kid you left behind?" He ate an orange and laughed. "He looks....handsome."

"Sorry I brought him here without your permission. I found him out on the streets and didn't want him to ever leave my sights again." The man across from Logan laughed.

"Continue with your chores."

"Logan, come."

"He stays." Logan felt his mom's hand on his arm tighten.


"He stays. Just go continue your chores or you will be punished Amilia." She looked down at Logan who raised an eyebrow in question. She then sighed and walked out of the tent. Logan stared at the man slowly getting up from his chair.

"I think I'll go help my mother then." He went to leave but two men stepped in the way of the exit.

"Not a chance." He stood up and walked over to Logan turning him around to face him. Logan flinched at the hold on his wrist. "You are quite handsome." He tilted Logan's chin up so he was forced to look the man in the eyes. "And quite fit for a boy who's been hospitalized."

"I learned how to fight." Logan moved quickly away from the man. "I have friends I need to get back to. I don't know what my mother wanted me here for but I'd rather be with them than the women who abandoned me the moment she thought she wouldn't be able to save me." Logan glared at the men standing guard. "Now move."

"They'll stay outside for now." The men left and Logan was turned around harshly by his wrist. He struggled against the hold.

"Let go of me! Momma!" He tried to pull away but the man was a lot stronger than him. "Momma!" The man covered Logan's mouth.

"Scream for her again, and I will have them kill her." Logan struggled as the man let go of his mouth.

"What the hell do you want?" Logan tried to get away from the man and he just laughed. He pulled Logan close to his chest.

"don't think she would have brought you here if she told you how she was living." He played with Logan's hair.

"Like I said, I have people to get back to." He tried to pull away again but then he was dragged to a bed. "Let me go!" Tears started flowing down Logan's face.

"You know, in this day and time it's a luxury item." He stayed on top of Logan. "Having an actual bed that is." He smirked. "And these." He pulled something off the wall and attached them to Logan's wrist.

"You creep! Let me go!" Logan started thrashing about the bed. "MOMMA!?" He slapped Logan.

"Jesus kid, didn't I tell you not to cry out for her? She won't save you!" The tent opened and he angrily turned to it. "WHAT!?"

"Oh my god..." she covered her mouth. "Dan!?"

"Get out of here. Who let the bitch in!?" Logan started crying. He struggled against the handcuffs.

"Momma please..."

"Dan...I...please that's..that's my son." She walked closer. "You can't do this to him, I'll take his place!"

"Well, you are useless to me." He chuckled. "I need a fresh little thing to keep me entertained and you brought him right to me."

"Please Dan! I brought my son so he could be with his mother not so you could fucking rape him!" She glared. Logan stared at his mom as tears fell down his face. She didn't actually bring him to sacrifice him to this man? She actually sounded like she cared about him.

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