Theory of Everything

86 2 15

Age: 15 (final)

Gender: Female


- Has long indigo hair tied up in a ponytail and mint green eyes

- Wears rectangular pink glasses

- Wears a white lab coat over a brown plaid shirt and long pants

- Has a wallet with a black lanyard


- Calm and friendly

- Intelligent

- Social

- Confident

- Creative

DISC: Inspiring-stable



- Science (especially chemistry)

- Doing chemistry experiments in the science club

- Sucessfully winning an argument against Electrodynamix


- People doubting her

- People trying to one up her

- Violence/Conflict


- The Science club except Electrodynamix (Time Machine, Hexagon Force and her sister)

People she dislikes:

- Electrodynamix (They are competitors, but can (barely) stand each other. He likes to challenge her and insult her, even when they are supposed to work together.)

- Geometrical Dominator (not because he's gay, but because he's annoying)

- Nock Em (likes to pick fights)


- Theory of Everything 2 (older sister)


Ill leave this up to my friend

Here it is

Me: Hi, I’m Tiffamon336!

ToE: Hello there! My name is Theory of Everything, but people often call me by my initials: ToE.

Me: That's nice. By the way, I know Time Machine likes mathematics. What do you like?

ToE: Oh, definitely chemistry! Sometimes “that” competes with me - wait did I say sometimes? He always competes with me! It does help me improve, but it’s still kinda annoying! Nevertheless, I still LOVE science!

Me: Nice! Also, who is “that”?

ToE: Uhhh... We don’t talk about that no no no no, we don’t talk about that- Yeah jokes aside, it’s Electrodynamix. *sad face emoji*

Me: Oh. Well, it must be hard. Anyways, I have to go now. Bye!


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