Press Start

25 1 3

Age: 17

Gender: Female


- Has curly pink hair and blue eyes

- Usually wears pink, red or orange clothes, like Airborne Robots

- Always wearing her orange headphones


- Calm

- Organised

- Creative

- Loyal, caring

- Usually quiet (unless talking about her projects)

DISC: Stable-inspiring



- Programming, sometimes to recreate games, sometimes robots

- Working with Airborne Robots to create functioning robots. (She does the programming, Airborne does the building)

- Playing video games with her brother

- Taking care of her brother


- BUGS. (be it real bugs or programming bugs)

- When Airborne Robots forgets a robot part

- When people make fun of her brother because of his face

- People making fun of her brother or his friend because he's gay


- Airborne Robots (Project buddy)

- The Seven Seas

- Viking Arena/Deadlocked

- Nock Em (a little, his tendency for conflict scares her)

- Geometrical Dominator

People she dislikes:

- Electrodynamix (HATES Blast and Geo for no other reason than they're gay)

- Power Trip (charlatan but acts like she's a boss)


- Blast Processing


(this is a joint introduction of Airborne Robots and Press Start)

Me: Wow! Your house is really nice.

Blast Processing: Thank you! I invited you over to show you my sister's and her friend's project. They were kind enough to let me help a little, too. *unlocks door*

Me/B.P.: *takes off shoes and walks in*

B.P.: Hi peeps! Tiffamon336 is here!

Me: Hi!

Airborne Robots: Nice to meet you! My name's Airborne Robots. This is my friend, Press Start.

Press Start: *smiles* Hello, and nice to meet you too.

Me: You too. That looks like an interesting project, by the way.

P.S.: We're building a drone. It's supposed to be able to record a video as it flies, too. We're planning to make a video of our school interior, to show to new levels.

Me: Those levels would be so lucky. How are you guys planning to do it?

A.R.: I create the drone and Press Start programs it. Blast Processing helps his sister a little with the code. Did you know that drones can be used to farm crops? Not only that, but they can also be used to deliver all sorts of things, depending on the strength of the motors.

P.S.: Focus, guys! Work needs to be done.

A.R.: Sorry. Now let's get to testing...


So there's my joint intro!

geometry dash levelsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang