Geometrical Dominator

58 1 4

Age: 14

Gender: Male


- Has short, messy, rainbow colored hair and grey eyes

- Wears a black necklace with a green diamond-shaped pendant.

- Likes to wear brightly colored tshirts and shorts.

- Has a rainbow scarf which he wears everywhere


- Cheerful, talkative

- Supportive and loyal

- Innocent but not immature

- Unpredictable

Due to his innocence and erratic nature, he ends up making a fool of himself.

DISC: Inspiring-stable



- Campaigning for LGBTQ+ rights

- Skittles (lol)

- Helping Blast Processing and Press Start playtest their games

- Boys. He's gay, I guess...


- People making fun of him or Blast Processing because they're gay

- Cats (A stray cat slashed Blast's eye out, the two are deathly scared of cats)


- Blast Processing (well, they are... uhh... engaged...)

- Electroman Adventures

People he dislikes:

- Electrodynamix (he hates LGBTQ+)

- Xstep (liar)


- None.


Geometrical Dominator: Hello Tiffamon336! Blast told me 'bout ya. Nice to meet you. I'm Geometrical Dominator. Everyone calls me Geo.

Me: Hello there Geo. Nice to meet you. So you say Blast Processing's your friend, right?

G.D.: Yep!

Me: Then uhh... you know anything about... you know, his left eye?

G.D.: *pales* Aaand why?

Me: Uhh... curiosity? Nevermind if you don't wanna tell, just...

G.D.: It was clawed out by a stray cat. I was there. That part of his face was completely destroyed.

Me: *O.O* ...sorry for asking.

G.D: *smiles* Never mind. At least you have the heart not to laugh at him.

Me: By the way, I like your scarf.

G.D.: Thanks! Oh, I have to get going. Bye!

Me: Bye!


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