Chapter 5

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Turn of Events

Thabo woke up in disbelief. He knew he had made a mistake. He had been so angry, and it had seemed as if the only solution at the time was to hit Sipho. However, now he was discovering the repercussions of his actions. He had only had a few drinks at the bar, and he had thought that he was in control, but seeing the flash of pain on Sipho's face had convinced him how wrong he had been, and he felt immense guilt.

He had been so desperate to do anything to make the situation better, and he had assumed that if he hurt her, it would make her go away forever. Now, however, he was realizing how wrong he had been.

It had all started when he found out that Lerato was pregnant. He had been scared and worried, and he knew that they weren't financially stable. He had never wanted to deal with Sipho again, but his brother had gone to her, asking for money and using Thabo's name as collateral for the payment.

Thabo had been furious and he had felt betrayed and used. He had no money to give Sipho, so he had gone to the bar and started drinking. As the night went on, Sipho had come to him, throwing herself at him. That was when he had lost control, and he had ended up hitting her and stabbing her hand.

He felt terrible, and he wanted to make it right, but he wasn't sure how. He didn't have any money to give Sipho, and he didn't want to have to owe her any favors. He had no idea what to do, and he was feeling more and more helpless as time went on.

He had to do something, so he reluctantly decided to go and talk to Sipho. He was scared and worried, but he knew that he had to face her and try to make it right.

When he arrived at her house, she was distant and cold, but he could tell that she was also scared. Thabo apologized profusely for what he had done, and he begged her to forgive him. He tried to explain that he was desperate and scared, and he had wanted so badly to protect Lerato and the baby. Sipho was still hesitant, but eventually she relaxed and she agreed to forgive him on the condition that he was arrested for his actions.  Thabo was surprised and scared, but he nodded his head in agreement. He knew that he had messed up and that he had to find a way to pay her back, even if it was going to be difficult.

That night as he returned home, he was feeling a little bit better. He was relieved that Sipho had agreed to forgive him, and he was determined to do what he could to make it up to her. He knew that supporting his family was his foremost priority, and he vowed to do whatever it took to make that happen.

No matter what it took, Thabo was going to do whatever he could to make it right. He was determined to put this mistake in the past and focus on the future. He hoped that one day, he and Lerato would be able to look back on this situation and find some solace in it, but for now he was just focused on doing whatever it took to make things right. The police came knocking at his door.

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