Chapter 6

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Jealousy takes a dangerous path

Thabo was out on bail thanks to Lerato's help, but Sipho hated the fact that Lerato would do anything to help Thabo. He was determined to make sure that Thabo got punished for what he had done and refused to drop the charges.

Thabo was now on the run, he knew he couldn't go to jail because if he did that he wouldn't be able to be present when the baby came. It made him sad to think that he could never provide the support or love he wanted for his child from the other side of a barred window.

Back at home, Caleb was furious at Lerato. He scolded her for her actions and for even considering helping Thabo. She tried to defend herself, but he wasn't hearing it. No one knew that Caleb was Lerato's brother.

'He took advantage of you! And the worst part is, you were so weak that you let him! I can't believe it. I mean, how can you be so stupid as to let him into your bed?'

Lerato was starting to get emotional at this point. All she could think about was how much she had loved having sex with Thabo. How he could last for hours and how his touch made her feel. She had become obsessed with him, and she couldn't help it. They never used protection, making the attachment they have pure and filled with emotions. How would Lerato move from all the pain and hurt huh?

Sipho had been standing by, watching the entire argument, and she had finally had enough. 'ENOUGH!' She shouted, cutting off Caleb's rant. 'Lerato is not stupid, and she should never be made to feel that way. It's not her fault that Thabo did what he did, so there's no need for you to attack her like this! Get yourself together!' He was the one who chose to pleasure me for money as she smirked looking at Lerato as tears feel on her enchanting face. Caleb shouted at them and tried to compose himself from hurting Sipho, good thing she never found out their relationship with Lerato or it would have become a bloody nightmare.

Both Lerato and Sipho were taken aback by Caleb's sudden outburst. Lerato was relieved that he was standing up for her, while Sipho felt embarrassed by his rebuke.

Eventually, Sipho agreed to back off and apologized to Lerato, though his words still left her feeling uneasy. After making sure that Lerato was alright, Caleb went to find Thabo. He would stop at nothing to find him, and end this nightmare once and for all. This was coming to an end today not any other day. 

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