3- A Sigh Of Relief

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Aniya woke up and felt tired from all the crying she experienced a couple hours ago, the time she woke up, she just saw danya watching the tv while siting on the bed

"Oh hey aniya are you fine now? Do you want to eat anything?"

"Oh no thanks,... I'm fine."

"Just tell me if you need anything aniya, okay,.?


Aniya got up from the bed with droopy eyes, going to the bathroom to change from her usual clothes, after changing, she goes back to the bed to get phone and sees that the time is already 3 in the afternoon, she decides to post the pictures she took when they were still at barge and also the time when they saw the appealing beach

"Hey danya, i'm gonna post these pictures in insta and facebook, do you have any pictures you need to add..?"

"Oh I don't have anything to add, and please tag me on your post!"

"yeah sure.,"

"Uhm,... aniya,.. do you want to see the sunset later? They said it would be very visible outside, I'm not forcing you though."

"Uhm,. yeah.. sure. It would be cool to post the sunset on my instagram story"

"That's great! It's been really a long time since I have clearly seen the sun go down."

Someone suddenly commented on aniya's latest post

- "Isn't that the beach where someone committed suicide?"

"Hey Danya, someone commented on my post and said that this is the beach where someone committed suicide.."

"What? Really? How about try searching it on social media if it's true"

"O-okay.." Aniya is someone who easily gets frightened in topics like these...  

-"A 25 Year old man committed ?suicide? in the Enchanted Shore Resorts near Easend, The East City which is still yet investigating by the police if is it really suicide."


-"Omg, that's so horrible!"

-"Ew, never going back to that beach resort ever again..."

New questions suddenly came up on Aniya and danya's mind

"What if the killer is still here...??"

"What if the killer will suddenly kill us while we sleep...??"

Questions squatter their mind as Aniya continues to read the posts, as Danya starts to feel anxious

"Hey aniya, I'm not forcing for us to stay here, if you're not comfortable here just tell me." Danya questions aniya all of a sudden, which made aniya felt scared a little

"O-oh, it's okay....probably... but this must've happened way back ago, let's just forget about it..." It was obvious that aniya was lying in that tone of her voice, so danya asked again

"Are you sure? There's no proble-"

"I said it's fine. Just forget about it." Aniya replied in a higher tone voice as she discontinued danya's sentence

"Okay then... If you say so"

Danya gets back to what she was suppose to be doing as aniya was still scared, she stops reading the posts to lower her anxiousness but it was still in the same level as usual. Aniya puts down her phone besides her and takes a deep breath from what she is feeling right now, hoping the feeling will go away, "It's fine aniya, it's fine, the killer is not here anymore, the case must've been already done ages ago" aniya's mind said. For aniya, imagining things even though it's not real is already a relief for her, making her feel that scenario has already happen in real life, also helping her to lower her anxiousness.

"Hey aniya... Are you alright? I'm always here beside you if somethings bothering you..." Danya suddenly placed her hand in aniya's shoulders, slowly that it wouldn't scare aniya.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine... There's nothing to worry about..." Aniya replied

"Are you sure? Maybe there's something you need to share about...?"

"It's just about what happened back there... and the comment on my post... It just made me feel nervous thinking about it..."

Danya moved closer to aniya and fully put her arms around her

"*Sigh* Don't worry about it aniya... The crime already happened a long time ago, everybody has already forgot about it, and you should do too."

"...okay" Aniya understood danya's point but her mind couldn't just let go of it,

"But hey, maybe seeing the sunset later will make you feel a lot better, let's just wait for it, it's still 4:28pm"

"Do you want me to buy some foods near by? Maybe you're hungry,"

Aniya realized that danya was just trying her best to cheer her up which made her mind lighten up a bit

"No thanks, I'm just gonna wait for dinner"

"Oh okay then, just tell me if you are" danya replied in a smile

Danya herself was nervous as well, behind that smile, she was trying to hide her feelings of sorrow and anguish in order to make her best friend feel safe. She didn't want to burden her friend with her own sadness or worries, so she tend to put on a brave face and act like everything was okay, isn't that what a bestfriend suppose to be?

As Danya left beside her, Aniya remained on her bed, staring blankly at the wall, she felt empty as she doesn't know what to do.

As time dragged on, Aniya eventually started to feel tired and sleepy. She struggled to keep her eyes open but eventually she found herself drifting off, she only fell asleep for just a moment that it was enough to give her a fright when danya woke her up, Danya standing over her with a concerned expression on her face.

"Oh hey, sorry for disturbing your sleep but, the sunset's coming, do you wanna see the sunset or you want to go continue sleep?

"Oh yeah, i almost forgot about it let's go..." Aniya replied, still half-asleep

As the time for the sunset draws closer, Aniya and Danya both get ready to see the beautiful spectacle, and grabs a seat from their room. Aniya is excited and can't wait to see the colors as the sun slips below the horizon. Danya shares her excitement and they both start to feel the anticipation of the event. "It's almost time," Danya excitedly says, "Let's go!"

The two girls sat silently, soaking in the beauty of the setting sun. The colors turned vibrant as the rays slipped below the horizon and into the darkness of night. The warmth of the golden light washed over them as they sat in a comfortable silence, content to just enjoy the view. They felt a sense of peace and contentment, and found themselves reflecting on the day as it came to a close. The girls didn't talk much, but they felt comfortable taking in the beauty around them without having to discuss it..

She felt a sense of peace and calm wash over her as she watched the sun slip below the horizon. The sky turned a vibrant shade of pink as the sun set, and she found herself lost in thought, contemplating how small we are in the grand scheme of things. Despite this, she was grateful for even the smallest joys in life, and found solace in these simple moments of beauty and decided to let out a sigh.

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