Chapter 1

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Tubbo was in the basement, working on his nukes. Micheal usually was not allowed down there, because of course, he was a child, and that doesn't mix well with explosives. But Ranboo was at the mansion, helping and talking to Foolish, and Tubbo didn't wanna leave Micheal upstairs alone.

Tubbo made sure to keep a close eye on Micheal, though he trusted him because Micheal is smart enough to know it's not safe. But when everything could be in danger with one wrong move, it'd be smart to keep an eye on him anyway.

"Dada?" Micheal asked.
"Yes, kiddo?" Tubbo asked, not turning to look away from what he was doing.
"What does this do?" Micheal wondered, innocently holding a small remote with a big red button on it.
He looked over, setting down what he was working on, "No, no, Micheal, let me see that. You don't touch anything down here, alright?"
Micheal nodded, "Yes, dada."

Suddenly, there was an alarm and the room started flashing red. This alarm was put down here and throughout the house that detected nuclear radiation. Since Tubbo had stopped what he was doing and put what he was working on down when it was not finished, the nuke had been set off.

Tubbo grabbed Micheal and started to run upstairs, but at the worst timing, the large metal door was not opening.
"Bee, what's happening..?" Micheal asked, he could tell Tubbo was panicked, and knew alarms didn't mean good things.

Tubbo didn't answer. He kept fidgeting with the door, trying to stay calm. He didn't know if he had time. He held Micheal close, and pulled out his communicator, messaging Ranboo, just saying "I love you" then putting it away, continuing to fidget with the door. He knew he only had approximately 2 more minutes before the nuke exploded, or the radiation killed them.

He gave up, he sat down on the stairs, Micheal in his lap, holding him close.

"I love you, kiddo, do you know that?" Tubbo whispered, tears pooling in his eyes.
"Love you, Bee. You ok?" Micheal asked, looking up at him.

He didn't get time to answer. The house started shaking for just a second and Tubbo squeezed Micheal close. And the nuke went off.

Ranboo was about to head home, picking up his communicator, then felt the shake in the ground. His communicator pinged at the same time. When he looked, he felt his heart drop in his chest.

Tubbo_ blew up
Micheal blew up

Foolish saw it at the same time, looking up at Ranboo, who was still and silent. He couldn't speak.

"Oh, Ranboo...I-I'm so sorry." Foolish said, walking up next to Ranboo.

Ranboo walked away, heading towards his home. Or where his home had been. As he got closer, he saw the crater and the remains of his home. He began to cry and his face burned, but that was the very least of his worries. He collapsed to his knees, sobbing.

Techno saw the notifications on his communicator and thought Ranboo. He had to check on him. He let Phil know where he was going and to message him if he needed something. Then he left to go meet Ranboo in Snowchester.

It had been a while and Ranboo hadn't moved from that place. He was numb. His tears froze on his face. He was shivering.

Techno arrived and picked Ranboo up, hugging him tight. Ranboo just curled up to him, unable to say anything or react appropriately. There was too much running through his mind.

"I'm so sorry, Ranboo...Hey, you can come home with me and I will get you anything you need. If you want to, of course, but I'm just worried about you."

Ranboo just nodded in response, then pulled away and turned around, looking back at the crater filled with remains of his and his family's home. He carefully jumped down into the hole, picking up a family portrait, completely intact. He tried so hard not to cry but he couldn't hold back. He climbed out of the crater and took the picture with him, beginning to walk towards where Techno lives

"Come on.." Ranboo mumbled to him.
"It's gonna be ok, Ranboo, we're gonna get them back somehow." Techno assured him, walking up beside Ranboo.
"Whatever..." Ranboo said, sounding very unsure.

They walked through the main areas and then it became very cold again. Techno could tell Ranboo was freezing, so he took off his cape and wrapped it around him.

"Thanks.." Ranboo mumbled.
"Of course. If you ever need anything at all, I'm here for you, kid." Techno replied.

Finally, they made it to Techno and Phil's house, walking inside.

"Philll, I'm back-!" Techno called.
"Hey mate, I'm making hot cocoa." Phil told him as he peaked his head around the corner. "Do you want-"

He noticed Ranboo and sighed, coming out of the kitchen and going to give him a hug. Ranboo just cried again.

"Oh,'s not your fault. Hey, they both loved you so, so much, do you know that? Come on, you can stay here with us as long as you want and we'll get you anything you need, just ask." Phil said, pulling away from Ranboo. "To start, do either of you want any hot cocoa?"
"I'll have some, please, Phil. Thank you." Techno said, walking Ranboo over to the couch and sitting down next to him.
"Um- Yes please..." Ranboo whispered.

Phil smiled softly and walked back out to the kitchen, coming back a few minutes later with hot cocoa for Techno and Ranboo. He went and grabbed his own, then came back and sat down.

"Oh, Ranboo, you must be cold, do you want me to start the fire?" Phil asked.
Ranboo shook his head, "it's fine.."
"Alright. If you need anything at all, I promise you can just ask and I will make it happen." Phil said.
Ranboo thought, then whispered, "I want my family..."
Phil sighed and answered, "We're gonna try. I promise, Techno has his ways... we're gonna get them back, Ranboo."

Ranboo just nodded and curled up to himself, leaning against Techno, and falling asleep. That was probably the only sleep he'd get in awhile. How would he sleep knowing his husband wasn't beside him like he always was?

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