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"'There's always tomorrow'... tell her, tell Y/n my last words."

The words that stuck with them for the majority of her life.

The last words that he muttered, before taking his last breath.

Why did he have to leave?

"Always tomorrow my ass.." She sobbed.-

She gazed up at the sky with tears in her eyes. 

"Eren..." She wailed. "I miss you so m-muchh~" Tears streamed down her face dripping down her neck and collecting in a pathetic puddle on her shirt. "Why did you leavee??!" She screamed into the sky, as she leaned against his tree.

A gasp left her mouth as a bird made itself comfy on her shoulder, oddly looking directly into her eyes.

A silent sob broke out.

"Eren?" She barely whispered.

"There's always tomorrow. Keep moving forward." She could practically hear it, as the bird stayed silent on her shoulder, its eyes piercing into her soul.

Keep moving forward.

She could do that. That's what she has been doing her entire life. 

She held her hand out to the bird, and it gladly hopped in, nestling closer. She held it to her chest, providing warmth, as she sobbed.

"I'll never forget you. I'll always miss you. I'll always love you." She repeated to the bird over and over, hoping someway, somehow Eren could hear her wretched sobs, just so he knew she loved him.

She did try to enjoy her days for him, busying herself helping kids and the elderly alike. Reading books and planting. But for the most part, she sat right where she was, thinking of him, and wishing he was there.

Sometimes she would accidentally fall asleep there and would wake to the bird pecking her as if to get her attention.

She grew old there. They all did really. Constantly visiting the tree.

There's Always Tomorrow (e. jaeger)Where stories live. Discover now