Chapter 2: Lucy's POV

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Chapter 2: Lucy

"Lucy!" my mother called from downstairs.

"Yeah, mom?" I called back, rolling my eyes at her.

"Dinner's ready!"

A grin appeared on my face. Tossing my phone onto my bed, I ran downstairs. We had a pretty small house. I mean, we didn't need anything bigger because it was just my mom and I. We had a decent amount of room. I had my own room; my mom had her own room with a bathroom. The second bathroom in the house, across the hall from mine, was technically mine. We were able to afford a roof over our heads, clothes on our bodies, and food on our table. We also had a decent amount of money for anything extra. My mom worked as a pediatrician at the clinic in town. I helped earn some extra cash in my free time by getting a part time job at a bookstore nearby.

"Mom, it smells delicious!" I smiled at her. On the table, there was a pot steaming with spaghetti in it. On a plate nearby, there were pieces of garlic bread. The food was calling me over, so I gave in. "How was work?" I asked her, truly interested. While listening, I grabbed two plates and forks for the both of us.

"It was tiring today, for sure! I mean, Saturdays are always busy, but today, one child came in for the flu shot, and she would not stop crying! You know how upset it makes me when the children are upset! I didn't want to give her the shot but I had to. I made sure to give her a Disney Princess bandage and an extra big lollipop to make up for it. She was just adorable, reminding me of you from when you were little!" She patted my hand softly.

I smiled at my mother. She was just so kind and sweet; she just wanted to make everyone happy, even if it hurt her in the process. She really deserves much more than what she has.

"What about you?" she asks. "Anything new at the bookstore?"

"Nope! But y'know that series I've been reading? The last book finally came out so I'm really happy!" She laughs at my delight.

"I'll be out early tomorrow morning, so don't worry if I'm not home. Relax and have fun!"

"I've got homework to do tomorrow, mom! It won't be fun." I looked at her, giving her a look. She laughs, squeezing my hand tightly. "Let's eat!" I said delightedly, changing the subject.

We enjoyed the comforting silence for the next twenty minutes, despite the occasional comment. When we were done, I helped my mom by bringing the dishes to the sink. "That was your father's recipe," Mom said.

I turned away from the sink to look at her. She had her hands on the counter, staring intently at the marble top. "Well, it was delicious," I said, trying to comfort her. I knew how hard this was for. Hell, this was just as hard for me...

"Why don't you go to your room and I'll finish cleaning up?" she asked me.

"You sure, mom?"

"Definitely." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and one last look before retreating up to my room. Because it was almost eight o'clock, and I knew I wouldn't be leaving my bed anytime soon, I thought to take a quick shower first. I walked across the hall to my bathroom, locking the door behind me.


After getting dressed into a pair of night shorts and tank top, I threw myself onto my bed, grabbing my phone.

Text from: Flynn :)
cute pjs ;)

I laughed at the stupid text from my best friend.

Text to: Flynn :)
would say the same back, but what pjs? :/

Let's just say, I once walked into his room to only learn he slept naked. I've been scarred for life. I got up and opened the window in my room. My window was directly in front of Flynn's bedroom window. "Hi," I said giggling.

"Hey," he replied. "You're working tomorrow?" I nodded. "I'm walking you there," he told me.

"Okay, sir. Shall I cya tomorrow?"

"Yes, you shall. Goodnight, Luce." He waved goodbye before shutting his window. I sat there for a quick second before bouncing up. I powered on my laptop. I quickly loaded up Twitter, making me smile. I started favoriting some stuff and retweeting other things that I liked. There were many things I agreed with and other quotes I liked. Before favoriting or retweeting the next tweet, I reread it a few times.

@lxnelygirl: Sometimes it's just so hard being strong. So why should I be? When there's nothing to be strong for...

Frowning, I clicked onto the girl's profile. That was her last tweet, almost twenty four hours ago. I clicked on her profile picture, enlarging it. It was simple: it was a black background with these words written in white. Smile. No one cares how you feel. This made me even more curious. I read through her bio before clicking on her link.

just a teenage mishap, looking for happiness and a friend.

The link I clicked on loaded up quickly. I instantly smiled when I realized this was Wattpad, one of my favorite social media sites. With the same username and profile picture, her bio was much longer.

"take me, this is all that i've got; this is all that i'm not, all that i'll ever be; i've got flaws, i've got faults; keep searching for your perfect heart; it doesn't matter who you are; we all have our scars, we all have our scars." ♡

just a teenage mishap, looking for happiness and a friend.

writing is my escape. i guess, it's the only place i can be the real me.

i like dreaming and escaping reality. i get to be happy in my dreams. maybe that's why i write.

This girl made my heart ache. I didn't know her but just reading this made me want to know her. Recently, she had posted a work titled Every Day, Another Day. It had yesterday's date stamped below the title. Quickly following her, I clicked the link and started reading the story of this girl's life.

A few minutes later, my hands were clenched into tight fists. Parts of this made me so angry. Seeing I had a message in my inbox, I clicked on the tiny 1.

@lxnelygirl: Hey :) Thanks for the follow! It means a lot!

I quickly hurried to type a reply.

@lovelylucy: Hey! No problem :) You seem like a great writer, so I can't wait to read your stories!

@lxnelygirl: I hope you enjoy them! :) I saw you read Every Day, Another Day?

@lovelylucy: Oh, yeah! I did! It was really well-written, I thought! I really felt the emotion. This really happened to you?

@lxnelygirl: Thanks, and yeah, it did.

@lovelylucy: That's really wrong; you shouldn't have had to go through that! How are you? Do you want to talk about it?

I waited, and waited, and then finally after ten minutes, I figured she was ignoring my message. Lucy, what were you thinking! You can't just bring up something like that so easily! Now, she probably thinks you're being nosy and won't talk to you again. Nice going, Luce...

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