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"Don't ever give up on meeting your Internet friends. Because one day, I promise you'll meet them. And it will be something you'll remember forever."

The fall breeze blew Eliza's hair back, making her shiver. She pulled her pea coat tighter around herself, breathing heavily. Eliza shuffled across the grass as she continued her walk around the campus. It was the day before classes start, and Eliza was internally freaking out. She was really nervous about starting at a new school, let alone in a whole new different place. Her hands clenched tightly into fists deep in her coat's pockets, as she tried to ease her nerves.

"You'll be fine without me," Lucy promised Flynn. "I'll talk to you later." She sighed to herself as she hung up the phone. She stuck her hands deep into her pockets. Being from Florida, Lucy wasn't used to the chilly weather up north during the fall. Other students around her chattered loudly. Some were reuniting with friends after a summer apart. Some were making new friends because they were brand new to the school, just like her.

Both girls were nervous about starting at a new school in a new place. But what made them more nervous was seeing each other for the first time. Talking to each other through the Internet was so easy. But after months of building a friendship, they would finally be meeting each other in person. Over the past few months, Eliza and Lucy had grown so close. They talked whenever it was possible, always making time for each other. If one girl was upset, the other would do everything possible to cheer her up. The two have become so comfortable with each other that Eliza told Lucy some things that she never imagined herself telling anyone, and Lucy shared some things that even Flynn didn't know about. They both made each other so happy. Because in reality, sometimes the people who are thousands of miles away from you can make you feel better than the people who are right beside you.

From opposite sides of the small garden on campus, the two girls were in deep thought, filled with anxious nerves. What they didn't realize was that they would run into each other before either of them was expecting it. Fate had so much in store for the two best friends.

Eliza, biting her fingernails, continued walking while worrying about many different things at once. She worried about starting anew here, worried about her parents forgetting about her as if she even existed to them, and most of all, she worried about Lucy. Would Lucy run away just as everyone else had?

Lucy, with her head down, worried about her mother back home. Leaving her alone is not what Lucy wanted, but her mother wouldn't hear any of it. She wasn't going to let her daughter sacrifice her goals and her future for her. Lucy worried about Flynn and his mother. If anything happened to Flynn's mom, would Flynn be okay? She was worried about being in a different area. But on top of all that, she worried about meeting Eliza. How would their meeting go? Would it change anything between the two of them, for the better or for the worse?

While the two girls were occupied with their own thoughts, they hadn't realized just how close they had come to each other. Footsteps interrupted their train of thoughts, and when they looked up, they saw each other. It was a different feeling. It was like falling in love at first sight, but they weren't falling in love. It was different. It was a memorable moment for the both of them. Seconds later, they were wrapped up in each other's arms. The thoughts that bothered the two just moments before were now forgotten. No words were said between the two friends. Nothing needed to be said because hugs were invented to let people know you love them without having to say anything. And sometimes, a hug is all you need to make you feel better.

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