Oh, To Break You

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Yinhwa's POV

I huffed and strained against the unyielding shackles, fighting against a purple whip that seemed to have a will of its own, controlled by a master who never listened.

"You... you bastard!" I stammered, my voice quivering as Jiang Cheng loomed over me.

"What?" He smirked, casually removing his outer robes, and I flinched as he snatched them away. "We're outside!" I protested, pressing back, and his smirk widened.

"So what?" His fingers traced the edge of my chest. My cheeks burned with a blush as I averted my eyes, unwilling to meet his gaze.

"Is this making you uncomfortable?" He teased, sliding his fingers between the opening of my robe at my chest.

"What are you—" I began, only to be cut off as Jiang Cheng forcefully pulled my robes in a swift motion, tearing them apart. I turned away, consumed by shame.

Maybe drinking had been a terrible idea. The alcohol we had consumed earlier must have left him somewhat drunk, but not numb enough to be unaware of his actions.

I swallowed hard, a surge of panic clawing its way up my throat, driven by the fear of being caught by someone.

"Look at me, Yinhwa," his use of my first name startled me into compliance.

Initially, I didn't lift my gaze, until his firm hand grasped my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes. It was a display of dominance. "You've no idea how long I've waited for this."

Jiang Cheng's fingers traced softly over my lips, his thumb teasing its way in, and my eyes fluttered shut. It was a tender touch, a sensation I hadn't felt in ages.

"Exotic," the word slipped out in a whisper, barely audible, but I heard it. Without further delay, he kissed me.

There was no hesitation, no fragility – just a man eager to kiss consenting lips, and another gradually savoring the moment. Hm... Hngh... Ha... Hm.."

He didn't pull my hair or use any slurs, nor did he try to bite his way into dominating the kiss. I just gave in before pulling back.

"Please! Let's take this inside-- MHmpm!"

He kissed back and this time is was just a slow, sensual drag of an agile tongue along my lip that happily curled with his own when granted access.

I tried to push him away but his hands pressed mine down, I couldn't help but let my eyes fall close and let myself enjoy the moment. Well I was trying.

"Fuck!" Jiang Cheng cocked his head and pressed harder, kissing deeper. "No wait--! Umhm.. Mhmm." The kiss got more heated as his long fingers worked at my dress and slid it down my shoulder to to pool at my elbows.

"Mmhmp!! Hm!! Umm! Ha... Aah!" Our mouths reconnected feverishly as Jiang Cheng groped my chest, the still conscious side of me not  appreciating doing this outside.

Jiang Cheng's smirk widened as he retracted his hand, trailing his thumb across my legs. "You rascal... I'll make you pay for this later!" I retorted, but he only scoffed at my words before firmly seizing my thighs.

"Aah! Hngh... fucking bastard-- Ahh!" He kissed my nape biting it a bit and I could feel his nails dig into my skin,  causing me to shudder a gasp.

"Fuck! Jiang Cheng!" I closed my eyes tightly and whimpered before gasping out loudly as I felt his thumb rub against my...my... my cunt, where I could feel my wetness.

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