Adriana and Duolingo - Japanese or Lose Your Knees

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Disclaimer: beside hola and animes that I watch, I in fact do not speak Japanese and Spanish, so I used Google Translate. Yes duo, I don't do my lessons.

Adriana is the only other survivor beside Gabrielle to have a phone. And hers is an actual working phone, not just a detecting machine.

Why? Cause she's an influencer and still makes blogs for some reasons even though no one else in the mist can watch them. And no one outside the mist gets them.

But the actual reason is because she needs to keep her Duolingo streak alive or else her father will be dead.

"We will all die" she said out loud as she does a lesson.

"Adri what are you doing?" Yara walked in on her lesson.

Adriana sharply turned to face Yara, "Duolingo. I stupidly signed up for 12 different languages and I need to keep a streak with all of them."

"Why the fuck are you learning 12 different languages?"

"So I can speak to my fans!"

Yara was dumbfounded that a smart genrusher would actually take 12 Duolingo courses.

"Todos vamos a morir" Adriana spoke into the phone.

Whomp whomp


ba ding

"Yay I finished my Spanish lesson!!!" She says excitedly, "that's the last one."

Yara shook her head and sighed, "good, cause that we only have like a minute left of the day. Before you have to start over."

It was actually midnight already and.... The next day had started.

You didn't do your Japanese lesson yesterday

A notification popped on Adriana's phone.

"NOOOO I MISSED A LESSON AND I DIDN'T HAVE STREAK FREEZE" She screamed, logging in the Duolingo and getting onto the Japanese course.

It was at 0 now.


"it's just a day, doesn't matter," Yara scoffed at that. She went beside Adriana on her bed. "What if you try the last level test so you never have to take the Duolingo Japanese lesson again?"

Adriana looked at her with teary eyes, "Yara.... YOU'RE SO SMART!"

So they scrolled down to the bottom and clicked on the last test.

Past the test to jump ahead. We won't make it easy for you though

They got a warning with a picture of Duolingo holding a knife.

If you fail, something bad might happen


私はあなたのキャビンにいる、走ってください said the screen.


She blindly typed up a random sentence, "I am an amazing person"

Whomp whomp

She got that wrong and lost a life. The correction: I am in your cabin, run

"AAAAAAAAAH" Her and Yara screamed.

"Okay... Gotta be real careful if you want to lose the Japanese lessons..." Yara whispered as she clicked to move on to the next question.

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