Starcallers Au - Star of Souls

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So now a bunch of people live in Seoung's basement. It's okay though because they willingly come there, much to her dismay.

Seoung hates how a bunch of people are in her basement, where she do her rituals and stuff.

Her rituals and summoning are very important to her, they made up everything that become of her today. That include being a Starcaller.


Seoung Kwan was a friendless bozo, the only person she comfortably talk to us her halmeoni, her grandmother.

But sadly, she died due to old age before she got a chance to say goodbye. So that's what Seoung was trying to do, find her ghost to say goodbye.

But the emotional damage was too great, she was not stable to be summoning ghost. She did anyway.

And some pizza guy came and interrupted her half way.

So instead of her sweet old granny, she summoned the spirit of someone who was eaten by a tiger. And it wanted revenge.

The spirit mistaken her for a tiger and tried to possess her, which was successful, but Seoung was feeling emotionally strong in sadness at the moment.

The Star decided to help her but fucked up her life in the long term. She was granted the gift of soul. She can then have control over it.

She breaked out, but a part of her was sticking with that spirit. It took half of her soul away for possession as a ghost.

The flesh and human part of her stayed as her own, but she had never been the same.

Because a part of her was missing.


Luckily for Seo, Yan can be a great friend. They got matching ghost nails. Until duties called.

"Oh my god look at that.... I need to fly the sticky notes," one of her house guests said and ran out.

"Yes... I think I need to air fry some pencil crayons," a different guy said and ran away.

"Hmm you are right. I know I shouldn't leave you alone again, Yan. But I really just remembered that I need to mow the pizza," another guy said and ran away.

Seoung also needed to join them. "Sorry girl. The ghost are screaming for my help." The best excuse of the day go to her.



They assemble, ready to fight the bad guys.

But then the Starcaller's leader and the Moon Guardian's leader got kidnapped and then both of the remaining team decided to go get ice cream.

They actually found common ground and maybe won't fight each other as much anymore.

They are in an ice cream parlour, enjoying sundae in the middle of the night. The familiar shady place across from her house.

When suddenly, the Moon Guardian leader ran in, all out of breath.

"Why. Didn't... You guys. Come. AND HELP?" He yelled at them all.

"Woah there..." Seoung said, "Where is Star Knight?" She crossed her arm.

"In someone's house I knocked him out- that's not the point. My brother got kidnapped by a crazy ginger," He told them.

Supernova perked up, "Oh you know, if you take a nice long walk around Misthattan, every bit and corner and street. Then when you go back home, I'm sure he'll be back. Trust me it work every time."

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