Twisted Timeline AU - Killer! Dae-Jung

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Tw: suicidal thoughts, mentioned death threats, some jokes in probably inappropriate places, i apologize

STAR*STRUCK was a popular k-pop band. Key word was.

You see, the group is made of of 4 hot guys, Dae-Jung, Ye-Jun, Byung-Ho, and Han-Gyeol. They were best of friends. Until they weren't.

Dae receive lots of hates from the fans, the rest got less. He even got so much as a death threat, the rest of the groups didn't really pay much attention to him. He felt down all the time and no one seems to care.


As STAR*STRUCK grew more and more popular, Dae got more hates. He was everyone least favourite, because, the transphobia was real. None of the other members seems to show any care about it, beside Ye-Jun.

Yeah...Ye-Jun was definitely up to something. Everywhere he goes, Dae-Jung feels like someone is watching. He always feel like some mad person is going to run up to him and kill him. He doesn't feel safe.

That's why he started to carry around a sharp blade, just for safety. Not that he had ever taken self-defense, he just figured that he'll make up something if something ever happens.


They were practising for their next song. The dance routine was hard work. And they kept messing up, especially Dae.

"Look guys, if I made the song, I would've made it easier to do," Byung-Ho told them jokingly when they took a break. It was Dae-Jung who wrote this song, at least most of it. It was his idea. "Maybe we just shouldn't do it."

That's it, they don't even appreciate him anymore. He watches as Byung-Ho and Han-Gyeol laughed at him. Ye-Jun didn't join in, but he didn't say anything either.


The fan hates him. His groups don't pay much attention to him. Ye-Jun still being a quiet creep as always. Dae finally had it and confronted the group about it.

"I've been getting a lot of... hates. I'm the least favourite," He started. Ye-Jun wasn't here are the moment to do his creepy staring thing, which made it easier.

"Well everyone group has a fan least favourite and someone have to be it," Han-Gyeol said, shrugging. He didn't see the problem in that, just patted Dae's shoulder.

"I never told you guys this, but I've been getting some death threats too"

"Dae, we all receive some at some point. Some people are just full of hate, you gotta ignore them and block them"

Dae could not believe the shit he was hearing. "You guys also pretty much cut me out from most of our recent official videos. I have like 2 scenes" Still he tried to keep his cool.

"Yeah well, you're not doing so great lately. Maybe you should see a doctor?"Byung-Ho suggested. Dae frowned. It's like they don't even care anymore.

First, he tried to stay calm, but as they kept going, one thing lead to another. He couldn't remember who, but one of them placed their hand on his shoulder suddenly, maybe to calm him down. But it happened too quick.

He quickly reached to the blade in his pocket and shoved it to whoever that was to push them back. Yeah... they might have died.

"Dae-Jung, what the fuck" The other guy said. He slowly put his hand out and back away. Oh no, he's gonna call the police. Dae can't have that, it would bring his reputation below the earth core. Not that it would matter, but it would just make people think worst about kpop idols. 😔

Without thinking, Dae lunged foward toward the moving figure and stabbed him in the head. The blood poured out all over his hand. What had he done???

The door opened and in come Ye-Jun.

"Dae.... what happened?" He asked, his green contacted eyes filled with concern.

"I...overreacted...loss my temper..." What is Ye-Jun gonna do now? To his surprise, the lil creep smile.

"I guess we can finally be together now with no one stopping us," He said softly. Once again, Dae could not believe all these bullshit he's hearing.

Ye-Jun stepped forward but Dae reacted too fast. He was scared out of his mind about what's gonna happen so as soon as he's in reach, he quickly push the blade into his chest. Ye-Jun fall over, clutching where his heart is.

"What the actual- uuugh" Slowly, he died. This couldn't get any worse, Dae thought. He already killed 3 people in self-defense, so it definitely could not be worse. He headed to the door, thinking of running away. It doesn't matter anymore.

Turning back, he took one last look of the room.




Yeona Jeung is obsessed with STAR*STRUCK a bit too much. I mean she found their address and went to find them. She really just wanted to meet her idols that had helped her out in her dark times. No one accepted her.

It was late at night, and she went to their dorm. The door was open so she crept in. She saw blood everywhere.



Before she could get another word out or run away, a panicked blue hair guy swung his arm with the blade and impaled her stomach.


"I should've not come..." She mumbled as blood poured from her mouth.


Dae had killed not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 innocent people. Well let's say 3 cause Ye-Jun is not all that innocent. What had he done?

Neighbours are going to call the police, his life is already over. It could get worse, he should just end it now.

Tears poured out of his eyes, this is all his fault, being paranoid an all. He tried to calm down his breathing.

"Okay okay...I guess...I guess I should just end it now..." He mumbled quietly. This is his best bet, just die now. His next life will surely be better.

He bought the blade closer to his chest. He hesitate. Before he could end his life, mist was pouring in from the door and the window.

The next day, people who live close by reported them dead, and Dae-Jung Pak is confirmed missing. Did he do this? Or was he just a victim himself?



I tried to be serious

anyway, thats how our boy became a killer. ye-jun still very hateable in this timeline too.

this week, i did not feel a writer block hitting at all so that why so much updates :)

errrm... pick one that i should make next:

Survivor! Alexis

Killer! Becca

The Dead Jack in This Timeline (like my lonely photographer one)

have a beautiful day or night or whenever you're reading this


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