Chapter 6

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Lemons! people still say that?


The next few days were just filled with talking and more talking and then more talking. The talk with Bianca had gone well. She wasn't completely terrified of the idea of us being werewolves or the fact that vampires tried to kill her. I think part of her was still in shock over the whole thing. She just kept saying, "Cool...ok, what else?"

As part of the protocol of bringing in new imprints, the member of the pack had to show their new partner their wolf to engage a sense of familiarity. That's usually where things get a little hairy. It's almost as if Bianca had thought the whole thing was still a story until she watched Embry's bare-naked ass turn into a nearly 8-foot wolf.

As Embry phased, Bianca gasped loudly and stumbled backward. Embry immediately laid on his stomach, wagging his tail. I stood next to Bianca, catching her elbow before she could fall. She gently placed her hand over mine and stared, wide eyed, at the gray and black wolf in front of her.

Embry whimpered slightly before carefully scooting toward her. Jacob was standing a good three feet away, in case anything happened. Not that anything would happen. Embry, the person, wouldn't hurt a fly; he was too much of a sweetheart.

"You can touch him if you want," I said to Bianca, still watching Embry. I took a step forward and felt resistance from the girl next to me. She didn't look completely panicked; she just looked spooked. I took another step forward and felt her move with me. "I can go first, if you want me to."

She nodded.

"He's just an overgrown puppy," Jacob chimed in. His arms were folded across his chest as he watched the scene in front of him. "Think Clifford The Big Red Dog." Bianca, surprisingly, giggled at that.

I began to scratch Embry behind his ears and felt as his playful wolf nature came to the surface. He rolled over on his belly, which I moved to give a scratch. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth as he panted. "See, you're not going to hurt anyone, are you?" I cooed. He let out a small yip as I continued to play with him. I could see out of my periphery that Bianca was approaching with caution. "You're such a good boy, Em!"

She reached out to touch his head, which he completely leaned into. She let out a huge breath as her hand came in contact with his soft fur. I backed myself away so that they could have their moment. I stood next to Jacob and leaned against his sturdy body. "You did good..." he said to me, placing a small kiss at the top of my head.

Then Jacob called a meeting in the Councils' Hall so that we could officially tell everyone the full story of what was happening. All of us crammed in this tiny room so we could properly discuss the future of the pack. While it was no one's business that Jacob and I hadn't fully Bonded yet, we owed it to everyone to tell the truth about everything else. Including Sam. This resulted in a very outraged Sam asking why I was involved, not just Jacob.

"Alpha Female?" he spat. "That's a fucking joke! Jacob is perfectly capable of handling it by himself."

"What the fuck is your problem, Sam? Why do you care so much?" Jacob asked, getting close to his face. They were practically chest to chest. Sam had flown into a rage when he heard about the Bond, saying that he didn't understand why he was the last to know about the legend and my involvement with the future of the pack as a leader. Jacob matched his energy, ten-fold.

"I am not ok with this decision! This is ridiculous!" The little vein in his head threatened to pop. "We all know she can't handle this type of responsibility. What if she gets hurt? Then what?"

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