Chapter 9

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"So, what happens now?" I asked Kaya. I looked down at our hands, still entwined. I don't know how long I had been asleep, but I wasn't ready for this conversation to me over.

"You've been doing so good at getting back to yourself, Aileah. I'm so happy that you didn't spend another second being angry." Kaya touched my cheek with her free hand. "Now is the time for you to step up. You know the history, you have a good partner, and you have the essence of a true leader. The ancestors believe in you, little wolf. Now you have to believe in yourself."

I don't know what it was about her, but her spirit was so calming. She answered every single one of my questions. She told me that she lived out in the house by herself after Ephraim's death because they had made it a home. She also gave me advice on how to deal with the pack and helping us to unite. Since Sam and Jared and some of the younger pups weren't particularly on board yet, she wanted me to be able to handle myself in any conflict.

She also told me that my father wanted me to know that he was proud of me.


"Yes, little one?"

"Why did you come here to me?" I asked. "I mean, why are you here now? Why didn't you come sooner?"

She smiled at me, like a mother would at her child. "I've always been here, Aileah. Watching right over your shoulder." Kaya giggled a little bit, "I actually get in trouble for how much time I spend down here, but it's worth it to see you grow. My job, I decided, is to guide you as much as I can. You might not always see me, but you do feel me, don't you?"

I nodded my head. She was right. It's like that feeling when your back is tingling as if someone's behind you or something's watching you. I felt comforted knowing that I wasn't alone. Even while I was learning about Kaya's legend, I still felt like I was in it by myself. She hadn't been there to talk me through this decision. I had to make it by myself. And while that was probably for the best, I would have loved to talk to another female wolf about this life. "May I...may I have your journals? Would you mind that at all?"

She shrugged, "Of course you can! You can have whatever you want. You can have the whole house, if you feel like it."

My eyes widened and I straightened up, shaking my head. "No way! This place was yours! I can't take it from you."

"It's not like I'm using it!" Kaya laughed. She looked around and sighed, turning up her face. "It could definitely use some updating. The modern era is so much better looking than the '30's, in my opinion. So aesthetically pleasing. And, honey, I've seen your room; so adorable. You need to fix this place up."

"How are you so chill about all of this?" I asked, watching her face.

Kaya was still looking around the room, considering my question. She bit her lip, her eyes cast down. Finally, she turned to look at me. "I've waited a long time for you. For a long time, I watched you to make sure that I was making the right decision and I'm happy that I did. I meant what I said, you are such an impressive young lady and you're earning a special place in our history, Aileah." She scooted closer to me to give me a hug. "Whenever you need me, I'll always be right here. But right now, it's time for you to get back to your real life. There are some important people waiting for you to get back."

She pulled away from me so she could lean forward to place a kiss on my forehead. "Wait!" I said, closing my eyes. She kissed my forehead delicately as I felt myself slump forward, unconscious.

"Trust yourself, little wolf. I'm here."

I came back to myself, feeling water run down my forehead to the side of my face. Squeezing my eyes tighter, I gasped at the cold sensation on my face. "She's waking up," I heard.

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