Chapter 13

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"Oh, my little wolf, it's so good to see you in person," Kaya wrapped her arms around me, squeezing me tight. When she let me go, she faced Jacob, "And little Jacob Black. Or...not so little from what I've seen," she giggled. Jacob placed a protective hand over his junk and bowed his head slightly.

Sam stepped forward, "Hello, Kaya, I'm—,"

"Samuel, I know," she smiled. Kaya met the eyes of everyone present, "Embry, little Seth, and you must be Bianca. You are beautiful." Bianca looked excited and surprised to be known. "And of course, Jared and Paul who are just the sweetest little pups I've ever met." Paul and Jared disappeared behind the trees to phase back human. After they stood with us, Kaya smiled wider. "I am in the presence of greatness right now."

"We're feeling the same way about you," Paul said, respectfully.

"How are you here, Kaya?" I asked, taking a step forward.

She shrugged her shoulders dramatically, "Your guess is as good as mine. One minute, they're telling me that I need to talk to you again and then everything went dark. They didn't tell me they were sending me to earth! I thought I was just going to send you to sleep again." She took a deep breath and blew it out. "Jeez, I have to breathe now? I forgot."

"Are you hurt?" Jacob asked. Kaya shook her head, holding her stomach slightly. "Are you...hungry?"

Her eyes widened in shock and awe. "You know what? I am hungry! How did you know?"

"Well, your stomach is growling. Do you guys eat up there?"

She shook her head again. "What do we need food for? We're dead," she giggled. My eyes widened. She covered her mouth, "Oof, that's dark. It's easier to make death jokes up there. I'm sorry."

Jacob was the first one of us to snap out of shock. He had completely sobered up once he was able to comprehend that one of our ancestors quite literally descended from the heavens and was standing in front of us. "Ok, we need to get her home. Sam, call my dad. Embry, Seth, can you both phase and get the rest of the guys to the pack house as soon as possible? Bianca, are you good to drive Em's car back?" Bianca nodded. Jacob turned back to Kaya. "Do you want to ride with us, Kaya?"

"Or I could give you a ride on my wolf," Jared offered, enthusiastically.

"Wow, eager much?" I said, raising my eyebrow at Jared.

Kaya giggled again, pulling her borrowed t-shirt down. "Thank you, Jared. That's really sweet. I'll just ride with Jacob and Leah this time."

If she's here, there must be something very wrong, Jacob projected, taking my hand and leading us back to the car in the Cullens' driveway. Kaya glided on the balls of her feet behind us, taking in the scenery. I wondered if things looked different from heaven. If she's been watching over us, is she more omnipresent than human?

When I found her, she looked so confused. Why would they send her to earth? Why not another dream? Unless this is a dream... I contemplated.

"Not a dream!" Kaya chimed in, as Jacob opened the backdoor to the Rabbit and helped her hop in, careful to conceal her private parts from showing. "It's really me."

You can hear us? Jacob asked.

"Sure can! I am just as connected to you guys as you are to each other, if not a little bit more," she explained. She glanced out of the window at Cullen manor. "Wow, that is such a beautiful house!"

Jacob and I drove back to the pack house mostly in silence. I could hear Kaya whispering little comments about the scenery while we passed through Forks and into La Push. She started humming the same lullaby as we drove closer to the Rez line. I made Jacob stop so I could grab her some clothes from my house; just some of Jacob's sweatpants, a bra, and a tank top. I also grabbed her a pair of flip flops so she wouldn't have to be barefoot.

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