Chapter Seven: The Motels Part 1

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Logan fidgeted with his fingers nervously as he looked at photo he had laid out in front of him. The photo showed Ashlyn standing alone, but her shadow had something standing behind her. Logan couldn't believe his eyes when he first saw it—how would that work? It wasn't scientifically possible for something to do that. He racked his brain for an answer but couldn't find one. He gulped, gathering his courage to talk to the other boys.
"Um, g-guys?" Logan said. "B-back when we were in the house I um......I took a photo of the creature."
Tyler scoffed loudly. "Sure you did. Listen we're in the 21st century. There are a billion and one ways to use technology to trick people. Whatever you took a photo of us what they wanted you to take a picture of. If you guys wanna waste your time spouting nonsense go right ahead. I'm going to bed."
Tyler left to go to bed and Ben snapped his pencil, making Logan jump.
"Yeah I don't care much for him either," Aiden said, patting Ben's back. "You need to go for a walk?"
Ben shook his head no. The two boys got up, looking over Logan's shoulder at the photo.
"That's strange, in the photo, Ash is standing there alone, but there are two shadows." Aiden said.
Ben shivered. He went to his room.
"Ah you going to bed?" Aiden asked, and Ben nodded. "Lol he didn't last very long. He's always been freaked out by things like this,"
"Y-Your not?" Logan asked, looking up at the strange boy.
"Nah, I find it pretty entertaining, even if it does end up being fake,"
Logan looked up at the boy, flabbergasted. How the hell does someone find something so terrifying fun? The hell was wrong with him?
"Anyways I'd be more worried about your current situation," Aiden said, grinning at Logan. "Of having to share a bed with the half wit back there,"
Logan paled. Shit.
"I—I'll sleep on the couch," Logan said.
Logan grabbed a blanket, crawling onto the couch and falling asleep.

Logan jolted awake just as Tyler ran out the door. What the hell was that?
"What's going on? Screaming—what happened to you?!" Logan asked Aiden, who now had a bleeding nose. Logan put on his glasses, rubbing his eyes as the others ran out of the room. Then he realized—Ashlyn. Ashly was sharing a room with Taylor, wasn't she?
Logan immediately ran out the door, sprinting past Aiden and Ben to his sisters room.
"Ashlyn?!" Logan called for his sister as Tyler called for Taylor. Ashlyn ran up to him, out of breath and panicked.
"What's going on?" Tyler asked, hugging a very scared Taylor.
"There's something in the—" Ashlyn started, then stopped. That's when Logan saw it. A creature, with a human build and pitch black skin, white eyes and a disturbing smile. Wasn't that the thing from the sorrel weed house?
"Go...GO GO GO GO GO!" Ashlyn screamed, pushing Logan through the door. Once they all were out Aiden and Ben slammed the door shut behind them. Logan held onto his sister tightly, scared out of his mind.
"J-just what is this thing?" Logan asked, on the verge of tears. Ashlyn squeezed his hand, a way to bring comfort to both of them.
"According to Tyler, that would be the 'prank' from earlier," Aiden said, still smiling.
"Ah! Sarah and Emma are still in there!" Taylor said, panicked.
"I don't think so. They would've come out of their room or just yelled." Ashlyn said, holding her brother close to her. No way in hell was she going to let anything bad happen to him.
"Actually now that Ash mentions it, it is pretty strange that no one at all has come outside with all the screaming," Aiden said.
The door handle wiggled as the door began to open. Ben noticed and grabbed the handle, shutting the door and keeping it closed. Aiden laughed.
"Lol that could've been bad,"
"COULD'VE?!" Tyler yelled, pissed off at Aidens laid back attitude. "Can you stop taking this so lightly? The sky is RED for crying out loud!"
The Banner siblings looked at the sky, and sure enough the sky was a disturbing red, and the moon was full and yellow. Logan stood behind his sister, holding her hand tightly. What the hell was going on?
"Guys... look down," Taylor said, quivering. Logan looked down and too his horror, saw hundreds of these, things. These monsters. And unfortunately, these monsters noticed the kids too. They charged to them.
"Shit, did I not here them because the one behind us is making so much noise?!" Ashlyn thought, shielding her brother with her arm as she thought of ways to get out of this. She paused, grabbing the string from her shorts.
"How far away is your room?" Ashlyn asked.
"About five or six doors down?" Aiden said.
"Give me the string to your shorts," Ashlyn demanded.
"Kay, why?" Aiden asked, handing them to her.
"I'm going to tie the string to that pole over there," Ashlyn said, snatching the string from them.
"Two shabby strings and a pole?! Yeah, like that's going to keep it closed!" Tyler yelled.
"No, but it should hold long enough for me and Ben to make a run for it!" Ashlyn said, handing Ben the other string. "Now go!"
Logan hesitated. Should he run? He didn't want to leave his sister to those monsters though. Logan glanced at the monsters, they were gaining ground on them.
"I said GO!" Ashlyn yelled.
Logan stood frozen as he registered the twins running past him. What should he do what should he do?! Tyler grabbed Logan's hand, dragging him along with Taylor.
"She said run dumbass!" Tyler yelled as they ran to the room.
"Ah wait!" Logan said, glancing behind them to see Aiden, Ashlyn, and Ben tying the string. "Ash!"
The twins and Logan ran into the room, Tyler shoving Taylor and Logan in front of him while he stood by the door.
"You two stay there and don't move an inch!" Tyler demanded. Logan frowned and shoved tyler away, opening the door to look outside it. Tyler grabbed his shoulder to pull him back.
"Ah I see them!" Logan said, relived the Ashlyn was ok and terrified of the hoard of monsters chasing her, Aiden, and Ben. The trio dashed into the room and Ashlyn slammed the door shut. They all sighed a collective sigh of relief before the monster pounded on the door.
"We should put the couch up against the door," Ashlyn said, moving over so Tyler and Ben could move the couch in front of the door. They put the armchair on the couch too for good measure.
Logan looked at his sister, petrified.
"W-what is going on?" Logan asked what they were all thinking.

(A/N: I am so sorry this took so long to come out—I haven't been very motivated recently.)

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