Chapter 1

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(Can yous see the pictures I put up above?)
The guys were hang'n round the Curtis house since midday yesterday. Dallas Winston had left early this morning mumbling about getting cancer sticks in a hungover haze. Dally put on an asshole, tough guy act but he loved his friends but would never admit it. Two-bit, Keith Matthews, was sitting on the ground in front of the tv, a bowl of cereal in hand, watching Mickey Mouse laughing to himself n repeating everything the character Goofy said, he was young at heart. Johnny Cade was the silent type, he sat quietly on the couch shuffling a deck of old playing cards with his eyes also on the tv.

Steve scurried out of the kitchen shoving cake into his mouth n tryna scoff it down before the oldest of the boys, Darry, caught him n gave him a scolding. Steve was always up to mischief along with the rest but he got a real kick out of pissin Darry off. Darry came down the stairs on the way out the door to work. He the oldest being 20 years old. He was kind but out his foot down a lot keepin the boys out of trouble best he could, he was like there father figure in a way mixed with the old grump from down the street.

Darry had two younger brothers, Sodapop and Ponyboy. Soda was just out of the shower with a towel loose around his waist. He was the most 'boyfriend' material out of em all, that's what most girls said,with his movie star smile n his charming personality he never failed makin a girl giggle n pay extra for car repairs on her car that was perfectly fine in the first place. Pony boy was also quite like Johnny. He was only awake still peeling his eyes open at the kitchen table. He was always gettin his ass kicked, usually for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

That was the gang. Loved each other like brothers n together would take on anyone up against any of em, which was usually socs. That what the rich people were called. They had sticks so far up their asses the gang hoped if they hit 'em hard enough they might shit it out.  They were the Greasers. The no good hoodlums of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

A/N: Heyy please be nice this is my first time writing on here. What do you think so far? This is just me trying to introduce the guys before getting into the story. I CANT WAIT I have so many ideas for this and I hope it turns out like I hope🩵 Help me decide who will be endgame (between Dally, Soda or Johnny) and please send it any requests I would love ideas xx

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