Chapter 7

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TW uncomfortable touching.
He was back. He smelled of what she thinks was scotch. His hair and clothes were sloppy on his body and he stumbled through the unlocked motel door. The motel had one bathroom, and one bedroom. Two beds, side by side. Barley enough space to breath in without inhaling the second hand smoke of his cigarettes smelling from his clothes. Cali was tucked into the covers facing the wall away from the door and Lonnies bed. Her covers were tight but loose. Tight enough to make her feel comfortable but loose enough so she would have a struggle free escape out of them if she needed to. She pretended to be asleep like she always did.

In situations like these it wasn't being hit or kicked or pulled from the bed that scared her. It was how he would gently caress her skin in so many wrong ways.
Bile burned her chest , up into her throat as she felt her bed dip with an unwanted presence. Cali didn't noticeably move. But under the covers she tightly clenched her thighs shut in fear of him trying to penetrate places where his hands were not wanted. She held her tucked up forearms closer to her chest for the same reason. Her fists were balled, nails digging into her soft, small hands. Her lip quivering gave her away and he chuckled and leaned down. She didn't open her eyes, she didn't move, she did nothing at all but silently cry.

He sat on the bed but twisted his body to lie his top half across her, his chin resting on her shoulder. He laughed lightly then dug his head in further down between her shoulder and neck. He was so close. He lay there for a while. He didn't do anything else. The bile now sat in her mouth wanting to escape, scorching her tastebuds. She was terrified he had fallen asleep until his hand reached up and moved her hair that was protecting her face and dried a running tear. He sighed and got up to collapse on his own bed but he faced her. She could feel his stare burning her skin as her tears ran just as hot down her face. 'He stopped. Breathe. Be quiet. Don't move. It's okay. He stopped. It's okay , stay still'.
His snores were a signal of peace for tonight. 'Tonight he did nothing. He didn't do anything. It's fine.'

But Cali knew it wasn't fine. Cali knew it wasn't safe tonight. Not with him near and definitely not with him so close. He touched her. She told herself it was his way of showing he loved her. But she then thinks back to all the times his hands constantly 'accidentally' brushed off a young girls parts , how he did it to older women, and how he did it to Cali herself from such a young age. She could take the screaming, hitting, kicking,throwing, anything else. But when he got like this... she was to scared to breath never mind fight back. Even before her parents died.

At family gatherings she would not leave her mothers side and he was the reason. Telling herself the things he did was okay was Cali hanging onto a cord that was wrapped around her neck like a noose. Cali needed to tell herself it was okay , or she might not hang on much longer. For the rest of the night Calis body wracked silently, with silent tears and silent prayers.

Over yet?   •Dallas Winston•Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin