So... Many... Fails

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"MISS. DASH." Miss Cheerilee said, slamming her fist on my desk, causing me to wake up. As soon as my eyes open, I looked around the class to see if anyone was smirking, giggling or laughing at me. I smiled when they didn't. They knew better than to laugh at me, Rainbow Dash, queen of awesomeness. Only Applejack, who was sitting beside me, was trying her best not to laugh. She's my best friend and all, but sometimes, she's a shank.

"Miss Dash, care to explain exactly why you fell asleep in my class?" Miss Cheerilee asked. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "Sorry, Miss... I was.. *yawn* .. staying up late last night... studying," I lied before yawning again. Miss Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. Hah, she was the only adult I knew who could look like an angry teacher AND raise an eyebrow like a sarcastic teenager at the same time.

"Well, then, Miss Dash, study harder. No improvments. Huh, why am I not surprised?" She snorted, slapping my exam paper onto my desk. I gave her my death glare. She's an awesome teacher, but just like Applejack, she can be a total shank.

Woah, woah, woah! Rewind?

No improvements.

Oh nononononono. Again? Hands shaking, I flipped over my test paper.


I crumpled the corner of my paper in my fist and slammed my face onto my desk. Every time I take a stupid science test, I always see that dreadful letter.

"Sugarcube, are you alraht?" Applejack asked me with her little texas drawl. "No," I answered, but since my face was muffled onto my desk, it came out sounding like one of those mumbles that means 'yes'. "C'mon, you can teyl me," she said, poking my head (Pardon the texas drawl lol). I whipped my head up. "AJ, I said, NO," I grumble. She raises an eyebrow. "So... you won't teyl me?" She asks. I groaned and slammed my face onto my desk again.

"Sugarcube, are yah gonna teyl me or not?" She asked. I snapped up and glared at her. "For, like, the 10th time, NO, I'm NOT alright," I said. Agh, this scene was way too familliar. Miss Cheerilee's disaproving stare, me doing a total freak out, Applejack asking me the same goddamn question, and noooo, Applejack still doesn't understand what I'm saying and this has been happening FOR THREE GODDAMN YEARS STRAIGHT.

"Oh, heh, yea," Applejack said sheepishly. Miss Cheerilee slammed Applejack's paper hard, causing AJ to jump up in shock. Realizing it was just a paper, Appplejack sat back down, face red with embarrasment. She frowned at her paper.

"Ah, shoot. Weyl, you could say Ah'm not better than you," Applejack said, flashing her paper towards me. I stuffed my paper into my bag. "AJ, you got a D. I got an F. How is that not different?" I pointed out. Applejack looked at me sympethically. "Listen, sugarcube, it ain't THAT bad. If you get over this, i'll treat ya to some apple cider," she said. I flashed her a smile. A fake one. No, i'm not getting over this but we're talking bout free APPLE CIDER!

"That a girl," Applejack said, examining her mistakes. Miss Cheerilee stod infront of my desk. "Miss Dash, Principle Celestia would like to have a word with you, see her when class is-"

The bell rang and Miss Cheerilee's face frowned.


As I got out of class, Applejack shot me an apologetic face. "Ah'd love to go and follow yah to Principle Celestia's office, but Ah got maths next and yah know how the teacher is lahke," she said. I nodded my head and waved her goodbye.

As I walk towards the office, I heard fast footsteps behind me. "Rainbow! Rainbow Das- BAM!" Was all I heard. I turned around to see Soarin on the floor, clutching his shoulder. I also saw a dented locker. That's it. Sorry, I can't help it.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I burst out laughing.

I walked over to him, still laughing. I squat down and finaly forced myself to stop laughing.

"Oh, god, pfff, Soarin, are you, pfff, ALRIGHT?AHAHAHAHA" I laughed again. After a few seconds, I finaly stopped and helped him up. "Soarin, you OK?" I asked him, tugging on his shoulder to see if anything was wrong with it. He shrugged with his good shoulder. "I dunno. But I might have to pay for that dent," he said before wincing as I pulled his shoulder back up because it was slightly dislocated. I pat the shoulder I fixed. "Not if they don't know who did it," I grinned.

Soarin was kind of like a big brother to me (Nope, Soarindash not happening.Yet.)

"So, why did you blindly chase me that you smashed into a locker?" I asked. "Well, we ARE partners in Computer Class. I was just wondering where you were," He said. I frowned. "Soar, Computer Class just started a minute ago," I pointed. "And you chased me, like, 30 seconds right after class started," I added. He waved dismissively. "Nevermind that, where are you going?" He asked. I glanced at the office door.

"I need to see Principle Celestia. She wants to talk about my grades," I said. "You mean your science grades? And I thought your friends would usually follow you," he said. My eyes widened in surprise. "They all had important classes. But how did you know it was science?" I asked. He looked at his watch. "I'd LOVE to answer that, Dashie, but we gotta hurry up. C'mon, I'll follow you," he said and we both walked to the office.

Soon enough, I was sitting on a chair opposite to Celestia, Soarin standing behind me.

"Rainbow Dash. This is disapointing. I really hoped that the only time I'd call you here was for good news, especially since you saved our school twice. But, as you can see, this is NOT good news," Celestia frowned. I bit my lip. "For the past three years, it seems as if you keep on failing your science test," she said, raising an eyebrow as if to say 'What do you have to say to that?'. I hung my head down to reply her, my actions saying 'Nothing'. I'm defeated.

"Well, then. I can't let you off like this. I have no choice but take action. As you know, you will be taking a science exam at the end of the year. Fail it, and I'll have to send you to summer school," she said firmly. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "SUMMER SCHOOL?!?" I exclaimed. But I had plans for this summer! Like finish all my previous unfinished naps!

She nodded. "That's right. But that's not all," she paused. I felt Soar put his hands on both my shoulders. It was obvious that this was gonna be bad, we all knew it.

"Rainbow Dash, I'll have no choice but to have you restart your grade all over again," Celestia said.

Do you guys think I should make this a Soarindash story? I kinda ship them A LOT sooo.... yea. Anyways, hope you like this story. Sorry if it's short.

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