The Storm

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Sorry I've been away for so long, guess where I've been this whole time! I was too busy in the Pewdiepie fandom! But then one day, I though , "Hey, I miss being a brony" so here you go!

I slammed my locker as hard as I could. I turned to leave, just to find out somebody was standing right in front of my locker. In shock, I punched whoever it was.

"Owwww!!! Daaashiiieee! Do I always get hurt when I'm around you?!" A familliar voice whined. I sighed in relief.

"Soarin, you scared me!" I told him. He rubbed his nose, where I punched him. "Oww... Dashie, I was just asking if I was gonna walk you home today. You know, cause today, your friends seem... off," he asked. I rolled my eyes. To Soarin, they were always 'off'.

I shook my head. "Didn't I tell you? I'm hitching a ride from Flash Sentry with Sunset Shimmer. Wanna come along?" I asked. At first, a flash of dissatisfaction crossed his face, but he managed to quickly replace it with a smile. "Sure! It's been a long time since I hung out with my buddy, Flash," he said cheerfully. I raised my eyebrows. "I had no idea you were friends," I said.

"Oh that, no, we WERE friends, the best of them! You know, cause we have the same hobbies?" He explained. "I didn't know you liked music," I pointed out. He shrugged. "Hey, of COURSE I like music. Why do you think I go to the Rainbooms' concerts all the time?" He asked. I smirked lightly. "I don't know, cause your a stalker?" I said jokingly. My eyes widened in surprise as I watched him blush. "Oh please, I'm your best friend, Soarin, of course I know that you're not a stalker," I chuckled slightly. He laughed along.

As we walked towards the school exit, we heard footsteps running up towards us. "Soarin! Rainbow Dash!" An exhausted voice cried out. We turned around. It was Twilight Sparkle, from the pony world! "Twilight!" I smiled at the pony princess. By the time she finally caught up, she was out of breath.

"Twilight Sparkle? What are you doing here?" Soarin asked. Twilight took a moment, panting as she tried to catch her breath. "Do any of you... know where... Sunset Shimmer... is?" She wheezed out. "We're about to meet her. Wanna come along?" I asked. Twilight nodded. "I hope she's not so far away, I'm tired," the princess panted. Me and Soarin gave each other a mischevious look.

"RACE YOU GUYS THERE!" I screamed before me and Soarin took off, leaving a very shocked Twilight behind. When we got through the exit, we almost ran into Sunset Shimmer. "Guys! Calm down!" She said. "What's going on?" She asked. I laughed. "Just a friendly race between me, Soar and Twi," I tell her. Her face lit up with confusion. "Twi? As in, Twilight? As in, Twilight Sparkle? As in, Princess Twilight Sparkle? As in, Pony Princess Twi-" "Yes, yes, THAT Twi," I cut her off, getting annoyed. Her face beamed. "I wrote to her, but I didn't think she would actually come over!" Sunset explained. Suddenly, a purple figure ran into Sunset.

"Oops, I'm sooo sorry- Sunset?" Twilight realized it was her friend. "Twi! You actually came!" Sunset cried out, hugging her friend. After their hug ended, Twilight nodded at Sunset. "Of course I came. It sounded quite suspicious that you failed science. I mean, you know magic, and magic is more advanced. Besides, its your best subject, right? I'm here to help you," Twilight explained. I tapped her shoulder. "Help? As in studying? Cause I'm failing my exams too," I said. Twilight laughed. "Of course I'll help. But please tell me, we're not... walking, are we? I'm exhausted," Twilight asked. Soarin laughed. "You're in luck. We were just about to hitch a ride from Sunset and Flash," He explained.

Twilights face flushed red. "Flash... Sentry?" She asked. I stiffled a giggle. Everyone knew of the princess' huge and obvious crush on the guitar player named Flash Sentry. I'm surprised that she's so embarrased everytime they meet, I was so sure they were already an item. At least, that's what Flash said. It seems like the purple girl wasn't quite aware of that.

A pretty awesome sports car drove up towards us. A blue-haired boy stepped out of the car and looked up, not knowing the presense of his 'girlfriend'. "Hey guys, what's-" his voice trailed off when he noticed a very red-faced Twilight. Soarin said, "You okay, bro?" in a mocking way. Sunset Shimmer shifted uncomfortably. She never did stop feeling guilty for giving Flash Sentry fake hope and affection once before. At least, that's what I think.

"Twilight!" He said excitedly, running towards her. He wrapped her arms around her, making Twilight even more red on the face and making Sunset look more uncomfortable, covering a part of her face with her wild, red and yellow hair. "H-hey, Flash," Twilight said, flustered. "When did you get here? What brings you here? Anything new there in Equestria? I missed you so much!" Flash flooded the poor girl with questions.

"You guys can catch up later. Because judging by the sky, it looks like it's about to-" Sunset said before a huge pour came upon us. Everyone rushed into the car. "I hate it when it suddenly rains heavily in a random time!" I huffed, wriging my hair and thinking that I could dry it a little bit.

"Ugh, my clothes are wet. And my house is so far away. Sorry for sogging up your seats, Flash," Sunset apologized, inspecting her wet jacket. "Hey, don't worry about it. I have an idea! Why don't you all come over to my place, just until the rain dies down? I don't want any of you girls, and Rainbow Dash," he paused to snicker as me and Soarin grumbled at his stupid joke, "To be all wet and stuff. You're not anywhere close to home, you live so far away!" Flash told us all. Sighing, we all agreed.

"But how does this make us any drier? We don't have extra clothes or anything," Twilight pointed out. I patted my extra bag. "I do. Since, you know, I changed into my Wondercolt soccer team uniform, so I kept my other clothes in here. That means you have extra clothes too, right, Soarin?" I asked him. He groaned. "How was I supposed to know it was gonna rain? I left my clothes in the boys locker room," Soarin sighed. Flash paused to think. "You can borrow my clothes," he said simply. "What about me and Twilight?" Sunset asked before sneezing. "Bless you," me and Soarin muttered quitely.

Flash had a look of wonder on his face as he drove, thinking. After a while, he finally had an idea. "Sunset Shimmer, you left some of your clothes at my place. Remember? You never came back for them," Flash asked. I flashed him a questioning look. "Why is Sunset's clothes at your house?" I asked. "It's a long story involving potatoes and first days," He huffed, trying his best to see the road through the storm. Sunset sneezed again. I was too exhausted to question further. Sunset sneezed for the fifth time by the time we get to his house.

We climbed out of the car and ran into his house. Flash leaned against the door, sighing in relief, happy to escape the downpour. Sunset Shimmer looked around. "Just how it was three years ago...," she muttered, stroking a coffee table before looking at her wet hand where dust and rain water were mixed. She scrunched her nose in disgust and wiped her hand onto her green skirt.

"Well, guys, welcome to my home. My housemates are out of town today, so all the rooms are free for your use. Just try not to tamper with anything," Flash explained.

I went upstairs to one of his housemate's rooms and shut the door. The room was filled with plants and 'World Peace' posters. Whoever owned this room was probably a hippie. Attached to the side of the room was a small bathroom, perfect for me to dry off in. The room was pretty neat and tidy, I should be careful. The hippie that lived here was probably a perfectionist.

I dumped my bag on the bed stupidly, causing creases on the bed. I grumbled and vowed to clean it later. I rougly unzipped the bag and pulled all my clothes out.

Then I saw it.

Buried deep in my bag. Something that glinted. Something forgotten. Something I used to need. Something I used to place on my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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