A slight break down

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I could practically feel the world stop around me when she said that.

Repeat my grade. What if I'm so dumb I'll flunk this test? I'll have to start my grade all over again! And if I stay dumb, I'll keep on failing and I'll end up getting in the same class as Scootaloo and I won't be an inspiration to her or her friends ever again! I'll be an embarassment!

Soar kinda pulled me off my seat while saying "Ok, Principle Celestia, Rainbow will pass the final exam," quickly. Celestia glared at me and said "I hope she does,".

I stumbled on my own feet and Soar tried his best to lead me out of the office. As we leave the office, we bumped into someone. I looked at who it was and apologized.

"Oh. Sorry, didn't see you there, Sunset Shimmer," I said to her and Soarin waved her hi. She gave us a sad smile and nodded dismissively. "It's fine," was all she said. After a long pause, Soarin finaly said something. "So, Sunset Shimmer, what's up? Any reason for going to the office?" He asked casually. Sunset Shimmer frowned a bit, as if she was secretly criticizing us for asking. But then her frown quickly turned into a little smirk, as if to say, "Pfff, what's so bad about it?". She looked up at us and flashed us a sad smile. One of her hands were hiding behind her back. She showed us what was in her hand and gave out a noise that sounded like a mix of a sigh and a laugh.

"You're not the only one with problems in class," she said, holding up math paper graded 'F'. "Should've payed attention in class before. But NOOO I just HAD to wanna be popular," she said, glaring at her paper. "Well, I gotta get in that office now. See ya, guys," she waved, disappearing into the office.

I kinda stuck on the spot with Soarin, processing everything into my mind. Fail. Summer school. I felt Soarin pulling me again, trying to make me properly. He dragged me somewhere. In the end, I was in the janitors closet. He slammed the door closed.

"Soar, what the heck am I doing in here?" I asked him. He shrugged. "You look like you wanna have a tantrum. I'm pretty sure you don't want to do it there in the hallway, but it's fine here," he said. How did he figure it out?

I sighed. "And you're not gonna laugh?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "I know better than to laugh at you," he said. I gave out a little chuckle. This guy can insult me and cheer me up at the same time. But eitherways, I got to the floor and started kicking and punching around.

"I DON'T WANNA GO BACK A GRADE! I DON'T WANNA I DON'T WANNA I DON'T WANNA!" I yelled. It was amazing how quick my tantrums were, that was the end of it and I stood up. I looked at Soarin's face to see if there was any hint of laughter. Nope, just sympathy.

He pulled me into a hug. "Sorry about this, Dashie. But I'm sure you'll get through this like a boss," He said. At first I smiled, apreaciating this, but then I frowned. "Soar, are you... are you stroking my hair?" I asked. The hug ended and he grinned. "I thought hair strokes were comforting," he said. I sighed.

"Whatever. Let's get to class," I said. He looked surprised. "Class! Oh, god, I forgot all about class! C'mon, hurry up!" He said, pulling me out of the closet, running.

When we got to computer class, we burst the door open while the teacher was teaching. Oh, joy, guess who the teacher was.

Ms Cheerilee.

"Soarin. I see you found Rainbow Dash?" She said, glaring at us. Obviously she was mad at us for interrupting class. "Yea. Sorry we're late, we had technical difficulties," If I wasn't Soarin's best friend, I wouldn't have understood that computer class joke. I tried my best to choke down my laughter. When I really wanted to laugh, I decided to hold my breath. Cheerilee glared at us for a while, not letting us off the hook. After a few seconds, I couldn't hold my breath anymore, and I'm sure my face was red when I took in the sweet air. This seemed to make Cheerilee roll her eyes.

"Spare me on these 'technical difficulties'. Just sit down and get on with class," she ordered.

I guess she took 'technical difficulties' the wrong way. Awwwkwaaard.

I followed Soarin to the back of the class where our computers were place. As we walked, the other students watched, wondering what Soarin and Cheerilee meant. I kept my head down, this was just embarrassing.

When I got to my computer, Cheerile began to drone on and on about something I couldn't care less for. I unlocked my password, because this school is so awesome the teachers allow students to have their own users and private passwords that the teachers didn't have access to. I secretly looked around a few websites I kept in the computer. There was nothing in Wattpad (why not?), a new post from Pinkie in Instagram about how a recent party she threw had been, and some info about the upcoming Friendship Games on the school website, www.chsmlpeg.com (NOT A REAL WEBSITE, I REPEAT, NOT A REAL WEBSITE!)

A small beep was heard on my computer, and just to make sure, I muted the volume of the computer.

I checked and there was a notification in my CHS website account. Another student sent me a little message. Shoot. It's from Dumbbell. I doubt it's anything good.

Hey Rainbow Crash, enjoyed your little technical difficulties?

Oh, how immature. I tilted my head to glare at where Dumbbell was sitting. There he was, giggling like a little girl. My frown deepened and I ignored him.

I looked back at my computer. Another message. If it's Dumbbell again, I am going to slam his face with my Qwerty Keyboard.

Nope. It's from Soarin.

Hey, Dashie. Sorry for making the whole class misunderstand. Well, you DID blush. But, still, soooryyyy.

I looked at the message, confused. I replied:

Blush? I didn't blush.

I turned to him and raised my eyebrow. He gave me the same confused look. He typed back:

Well, it looked like you were blushing. You're face was red.

Was it? I typed back:

Give me a break. I wasn't blushing.

He replied:

Ok, then. But just in case you DID blush, I had a plan.

And what plan is that?

Oh, it's nothing.

And the bell rang, signaling school was over. And I swear, when I was getting outta class and walking past Cheerilee, I heard her giggle. I wish I had stolen the keyboard to slap her with.

The Most Awesome Nerd EverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang