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The weight of Luke's rejection hangs heavy in the air, a palpable tension that settles over the rocky terrain of Ahch-To. Avalon, her eyes reflecting a mix of disappointment and despair, watches as Luke turns away, retreating into the solitude of his self-imposed exile.

The wind whispers through the ancient stones, carrying with it the echoes of unfulfilled pleas and the weight of a galaxy yearning for its savior. Rey, too, stands silent, her gaze shifting between Avalon and Luke, a silent witness to the complexities of the Force that dance within and around them.

Avalon takes a step back, her eyes fixed on the distant horizon where the sea meets the sky. The stars in her eyes, once beacons of hope, now reflect the shadows of uncertainty. She feels adrift, lost amidst the echoes of her family's legacy.

In that moment, as the wind weaves through her hair, Avalon yearns for the guidance that once came to her through the Force. Her heart aches for the familiar presence of her grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, whose force ghost had been a source of wisdom and solace. Yet, now, Anakin remains elusive, his spectral form absent in her time of need.

The ache in Avalon's chest is palpable, a longing that transcends the boundaries of the physical and the metaphysical. She closes her eyes, reaching out with the Force in a desperate attempt to reconnect with the grandfather who had guided her through dreams and visions.

"Grandpa," Avalon whispers, the word carrying the weight of both familial love and a plea for guidance.

The wind carries her voice across the rocky cliffs, echoing in the vastness of Ahch-To. Yet, there is no response. Anakin's force ghost remains veiled in silence, leaving Avalon to grapple with the emptiness that lingers in the absence of his presence.

Her mind, a swirl of conflicting emotions, revisits the moments when Anakin's spectral form would appear to her—offering guidance, sharing stories of the past, and imparting the wisdom of a redeemed soul. Now, that connection feels severed, leaving Avalon to navigate the turbulent currents of her own destiny without the comforting presence of her grandfather.

The stars in Avalon's eyes, once vibrant and filled with the reflections of shared dreams, now carry a somber glow. She opens her eyes, gazing out into the distance with a blank stare. Ahch-To, with its ancient stones and swirling winds, becomes a backdrop to the turmoil within her.

Rey, sensing Avalon's inner struggle, approaches her with a silent understanding. The stars in Rey's eyes, like distant galaxies, hold the unspoken acknowledgment of the challenges faced by those touched by the Force.

"I thought he'd be here for me," Avalon murmurs, her voice a whisper carried by the wind, "I thought the Force would guide me through this darkness."

Rey places a reassuring hand on Avalon's shoulder, offering a silent gesture of solidarity. The two Force-sensitive souls, connected by the currents of destiny, stand together amidst the echoes of Luke's rejection.

The wind continues to weave through the landscape, carrying with it the symphony of nature and the unspoken echoes of the Force. Ahch-To, a place of ancient power and hidden truths, remains silent as Avalon grapples with the absence of the guidance she so desperately seeks.

In that moment of vulnerability, with the stars in her eyes reflecting the complexities of a soul touched by both light and shadow, Avalon stands on the precipice of uncertainty, yearning for the wisdom that once flowed through the Force.

As Avalon stands on the rocky cliffs of Ahch-To, the wind tousles her hair, carrying with it a mixture of the salty sea breeze and the ancient whispers of the Force. The stars in her eyes, though touched by the recent absence of her grandfather's force ghost, begin to shimmer with a newfound determination.

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