I'll Return

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While asleep, you couldn't help but have nightmares. The anxiety of forgetting one of your most important things was weighing in even in your sleep. You had to go back and get it. Or else you wouldn't sleep well, but... Before you could even try to force yourself to wake up, a brick broke your window. It was loud. You woke up, startled. Who throws a brick through an apartment window, especially one that's five stories up? You ran over to the brick; it was just a normal, everyday brick. It was an orangish red with holes in it. It had a rough texture, just like any brick. You accidentally step on a glass shard.

"SHIT!" You yelled, and blood dripped down your foot as you looked at it. You tried to walk over to the bathroom. You grabbed a pair of tweezers and pulled it out, making pained noises. The pain was unbearable. You grabbed a bandage and put it on the bleeding spot. You were hurt, but you needed that goddamn sketchpad. So, you put on a brave face and went outside in the cold rain.

You got in your car to drive to the alley, and about 25 minutes later you were there. You quickly ran to the alley, looking for your sketchpad. But it wasn't there. Then the voice of a man, a familiar-sounding man, spoke.

"You forgot *cough* this." It was that corpse; it was holding your sketchpad. It looks like it wrote in it, too.

"Uh, can I have that? Please and thank you..."You asked, still afraid of whatever that thing was.

"Yeah." It handed you it with a shaky hand; it was sitting against the building's wall.

You stayed silent; you just didn't want this thing to attack you. So, you tried to befriend it. Because it might help you with the case of the missing kids... You hoped; you really just needed some leads in this case.

"What's your name?" You asked it, cautious of it.

"...Springtrap" It said, the corpse's eyes were replaced by the bunny suit's eyes, so it never really blinks.

"Are you like, a man? Your voice sounds like it, and I don't really want to be rude by calling you an it." You asked, not knowing how to make small talk with a rotting corpse.

"Yes, I use man pronouns. The beer-drinking ones, the ball ones, the football ones, the manly ones, the masculine ones, the-" You stopped him, not wanting him to continue.

"Yeah, I get it." You said to him, this guy sounded like some right-side guy whenever you bring up pronouns on Twitter. "Well, I'm gonna go now. Goodbye." You started to walk away to your car, but he interrupted you.

"Wait..." He said, "Can you come back tomorrow with a notebook? I can't go get one since..." He looks down at himself and says, "You know..."

You looked down at him, then nodded. "Of course." You said that, then started to walk away.

Once you were finally at your apartment, you went to your room and started to put on your night clothes (or if you sleep naked, you're naked). Then you got into bed. Looking through your sketchpad before setting it down on your nightstand.

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