Chapter 1

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Mitsuri is suddenly awake, her dazzling pastel green eyes sparkle at the Sakura blossom trees in bloom. A marvelous dream kissed upon her head that night, a silouhette of her and somebody else by the bay, talking about forever.

She daydreamed about it, she came as far as she had to find a lover, the one; as they say. She blushed thinking about it, some would pity her life, feeling so lonely that she would daydream of the man of her dreams. In her eyes; it was not an obsession, but a dream of her own.

Call her lonely, but she had surrounded herself with the nicest and strongest AND MOST ADMIRIBLE people the world could find. Tomioka Giyuu, Himejima Gyomei, Iguro Obanai, Uzui Tengen, Tokito Muichiro, Shinazugawa Sanemi, Kocho Shinobu and herself, Kanroji Mitsuri.

There were originally nine Hashira but in an unfortunate battle with the thrid uppermoon, Rengoku Kyojuro's journey had come to an end at the absurdly young age of twenty. The man who taught her flame breathing, although she barely used it due to her speciality beng Love Breathing. He took such good care of her, she'd visit his grave every single day no matter the situation.

A knock at the door to her estate was heard, she skipped down the stairs in her Kimono and smiled at her visitor. It was the Serpent Hashira, Iguro Obanai.

"Iguro-san! What brings you here?" her anxiety kicked in "Oh dear, did something bad happen? To one of the Hashira, No no no no no we could only afford to lose Rengoku-san! I will not let another comrade fall!" She yelled

"Kanroji, it's fine. No one died, everything's fine." Iguro urged

She air headedly tilted her head "Oh? Then what brings you here?"

Obanai blushed "I just felt you needed some company, you live alone, don't you?" He asked

She clasped both of his hands "That's so sweet of you! You're so fit to be a Hashira, Iguro-san!"

He blushed harder "Thanks, Kanroji-san"

They both seated in the lounge of Mitsuri's estate

"I went over to the red light district" Iguro started

"WHAT???!!!" Mitsuri yelled "Why on earth were you in the red light district!? That's mostly where young women go to be hired as prostitut-" a flicker went in her head.

"Whatever you're thinking, stop thinking it!" Obanai yelled "I went there on duty, accompanying Uzui"

"Oh, why was Uzui-sama there? He has three wives"

Obanai face palmed "You're jumping to conclusions, his wives were told to infiltrate since a Twelve Kizuki was present, they went missing so Uzui infiltrated, I had to come later on"

"A Twelve Kizuki! What was he thinking?! No one's beheaded a Uppermoon in decades!"

Obanai puffed up happily "Until now!"

Mitsuri looked at him shocked "What?"

"Uzui and his brats managed to behead the two calling themselves Uppermoon Six"

"Six, huh! Uzui-san is so amazing!"

"I was late, but he's remarkable, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he is" Mitsuri looked up and then back at the heterochromic man, she put her fist next to her face and grabbed her forearm "This, Iguro Obanai, Is the generation we defeat Kibutsuji Muzan!" She announced confidently

"Wish I was there to see their pitiful sorrow" Iguro looked off into the distance with murder in his mind

Mitsuri's eyes sparkled 'Iguro-san is so strong and amazingly violent!' she thought admiringly "Wait, brats?"

"That Kamado kid and his friends helped out, surprised they came out with their lives"

"Iguro-san! Those adorable children are NOT brats!"

Obanai shrugged "They don't seem that talented to me, Uzui thought different though. It corrupted him into retiring, we probably won't see them for a while"

Mitsuri looked speechless "If he's confident that Tanjiro-kun can climb up to our rank, I believe in him! I'll miss him though"

"I won't, he isn't dead but he wasn't exactly someone who I'd like to see everyday at Hashira meetings"

'Iguro-san's really judgemental of skill towards others' Mitsuri sighed "Speaking of Hashira Meetings, should we not be off?"

Iguro sighed "I suppose so, let's go Kanroji, Kaburamaru"

Mitsuri looked at him in shock "AH, HOW RUDE OF ME. I FORGOT TO GREET KABURAMARU-KUN." She rushed to the white snake "I'm so sorry, dearling. How have you been? Has Iguro-san been feeding you well? Who's your veteranary nurse?"

Obanai scratched the back of his neck 'She knows that kaburamaru can't talk, right?'

They set off

"Iguro-san, how did you and Kauramaru-kun meet each other?"

Iguro looked up to the clouds, contemplating weather to tell her the whole story "By the time I was 'leaving the nest' a small white snake slithered into my care, we've been together ever since" He wasn't lying, but he wasn't telling Mitsuri the whole truth "Does that answer your question, Kanroji-san?"

She looked at him pouting "Iguro-san" She got closer to his face "Call me by my first name" She ordered adamantly

Obanai blinked at her "Than call me Obanai, Mitsuri-chan"

She clasped his hands "Okay then, Obanai-kun"

They heard a crisp 'Ssssssssssssssth'

"Shut up, would you?" Obanai turned to his friend

Mitsuri gawked "You can understand Kaburamaru-kun?"

"No, I just have a feeling that I know what he's saying" Obanai cleared up

"What do you think he's saying?"


"Okay" She looked down, disspapointedly"

The heterochromic looked back at the pinkette "Mitsuri-chan, why do you seem so upset recently?" before she said anything he spoke again "I can tell you're only trying to seem bright and happy as you used to"

Mitsuri sighed "Truthfully" a tear excaped her eye "I MISS RENGOKU-SAN"

"I should've known his death would affect you greatly" He looked her in the eyes "He can finally rest now, aren't you glad he won't have to keep his stress in his system? When you and I go to heaven, we'll see him again, and he will have missed you a lot"

"It's just" She sniffled "He took such good care of me, he also left everyone who loved him!" She cried

'I can take care of you, Mitsuri' "He still loves you and cherishes the happiness you shared, that much will never change"

Mitsuri bounced up and pulled Obanai into a tight hug "Thank you Iguro-san, I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you by my side!"

Obanai smiled underneath his bandaged mask "You're welcome Kanroji"

After she let go they made their way to the Hashira meetings, hand in hand.

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