Chapter 3

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Obanai walked up to Kanroji's estate to ask her out. No one was there, he turned around to see her leaving somewhere. He looked around to see no Kasugai crow, meaning there was no mission for her to go on.

He thought about going home and trying the next day, he instinctively followed her though.

He followed her wandering on a trail and walking into a large estate, Obanai reckognized the place but just couldn't put his finger on where he was. He looked around, there was a large wall and a window leading into a room.

Mitsuri walked into the room and Obanai rushed to the window to see who was in there with her. He couldn't make out everything, but he heard a lot of sweet words being used. Such as, 'I missed you!' and 'I love you' coming from Mitsuri's mouth

Obanai burrowed his eyebrows, was she already with somebody? He decided not to jump to conclusions and that it may have been a relative.

He heard a deep voice, it was a man.

He didn't hear Kanroji asking him 'Your voice got deeper, do you have a sore throat?' and him replying 'Yes'

He saw them hugging at some point and despite thinking it was a family member, got angry. He couldn't get a good look at the guy, he didn't even see a lock of hair.

At one point he heard something that made him flare up "How have you been, Karoji-san?" The man asked

'No relative or family member would call her by her last name! This guy's probably her significant other' he thought as he clenched his fist.

"This is hopeless, why did I think this was a good idea?" Obanai walked off "Although I still wonder why this place seems so familiar"

Mitsuri pov

"Don't you miss him?" Mitsuri asked her junior, looking up at the stars

Senjuro looked down "Of course I do. Thanks for visiting Kanroji-san. Anive wanted me to be a great swordsman, I'm letting him down" Senjuro felt extremely depressed

"Senjuro, you're nothing like Rengoku-san. You have a brother looking down at you from heaven who believes in you. And a sister, that is never going to leave you" She said pointing her thumb back at herself "No matter how lonely it gets, promise me you won't give up"

Tears formed in the boy's eyes, he pounced towards at Mitsuri "Thank you, Mitsuri-san. You remind me of him greatly.

Mitsuri hugged him back tightly. She suddenly let go "You're going to be just as amazing as your Anive" she said confidently, raising a fist up in assurance.

The rest of the day was Mitsuri spending the day teaching Senjuro Flame breathing, he was almost finished mastering the first form by the end of the day.

Obanai pov

The heterochromic lay on his bed, house empty. A huge difference between Obanai and the rest of the Hashira is that every one of them except Mitsuri would miss a family member. 'Tomioka and Kocho miss their sisters and parents, Sanemi and Tengen miss their mothers and siblings, Gyomei misses his orphans, Kyojuro misses his mother, and Mui misses his parents and twin. But no. Not me. I'm most grateful that my family is dead as hell. I wouldn't have it any other way, if Kyojuro's father hadn't saved me that day, I would have killed those people with my bare hands. Maybe it's best I didn't'

Obanai rose from his bed "Mitsuri, who was that guy with her? Maybe it was just a dear friend, his voice wasn't too deep, maybe it was a child. I feel I know that place."

A thought struck him like a bullet "Rengoku, once Shinjuro rescued me he took me there, where I met Kyojuro and Senjuro." He stood up "Was that Senjuro? She was mourning over Kyojuro's death earlier today. Maybe she was so emotional because she couldn't imagine losing a brother"

He exhaled "Yeah, that's probably it. I couldn't see him as Mitsuri hugged him, so it makes sense that it was someone smaller than her"

The thought struck him that he was also shorter than Mitsuri, he flipped off the Sanemi in his mind saying "He just wants to experience being taller"

"I'm gonna kill him by the end of this! Or maybe I should tell Kocho about what Tomioka told me" He thought about it "Naw, Kocho'll get furious. More furious than I am now"

His eyes fell on Kaburamaru, despite being the most salty person on earth, Obanai had made great friends with the other Hashira. He thought Gyomei and Kyojuro were extremely honourable people, he got along well with Miss Kocho (Not to mention Kaburamaru was in love with her), he didn't like Tomioka too much, Mitsuri he loved dearly, he saw Muichiro as a nice junior but didn't like it when he called him snake-man, thought Uzui was respectable but still insufferable, and Sanemi was his best friend to him.

Kaburamaru was staring at the portraits he had with the other Hashira, mostly the one with him and Kocho. He analyzed them one by one. The one with him, Sanemi and Tomioka was forced to be taken by Mitsuri and Shinobu as they sai; quote on quote; you three should be better friends by now.

The one with him and Kyojuro was brightening, the one with him an Mitsuri was what he would land his eyes on at least once an hour, the one with him and Mui looked dumb as the kid was looking everywhere except the camera, a captured moment of him being forced to pray with Gyomei, and a very angry looking Iguro and with a stupid faced tengen. His eyes fell on him and Mitsuri, she looked happier than ever.

"How long are you gonna stare at that thing?" Sanemi said

"Shinazugawa!" He caught his breath "YOU CAN'T JUST SHOW UP AT PEOPLE'S BEDROOM WINDOWS" he scolded

"Calm down, you're gonna scare away your neighbours"




"I came to hang out"

"You had no one else to hang out with?" Obanai yelled

"I hate most people, you know that"

Obanai smirked, he saw a funny joke he could pull. Ridiculing people, one of his specialities, especially if it's Sanemi.

"Shinazugawa, come with me" he said quietly

"Okay?" Sanemi followed him to the other side of his bedroom, a single mirror was there.

Sanemi raised an eyebrow

Obanai smiled under his mask "Look in the mirror", Sanemi did so, Obanai continued "That's how ugly my world would be without you" he said, giving him a close-eyed smile.

Sanemi looked in the mirror and narrowed his eyes, he looked back at Iguro, he saw the face of an angel, he smiled ever so lightly. Then realization hit him 'Wait a damn minute'

Iguro smirked

Hey, could you guys please vote on this story? It gives me feelings of happiness, if you want

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