Chapter 5

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"Iguro-sa- Obanai-san, do you like sweets?" Mitsuri asked at the Hashira meeting

"Yes? Why do you ask?" the heterochromic asked

Mitsuri held out the cloth bag of cookies she had made with Shinobu "Here, these are for you"

Obanai took it and peeked inside "Oh, thank you so much, Mitsuri-chan" he said respectfully.

A thousand thoughts going through her head "Y-You're welcome Obanai-kun!" she ran off out of embarrassment

She tip-toed back to him "Actually I have a question. Why is your eye bruised?"

"Err" Obanai scratched his head

Cue flashback

"Look in the mirror, that's how ugly my world would be without you" Obanai said pointing at the mirror in front of him

Sanemi did so. He looked back, he saw the face of an angel. A glimmer of a smile appeared on his mouth, 'Wait a damn minute.'

In short; he punched Iguro in the eye out of fury

Back to the present day

"I had an accident . . ." Obanai said discreetly

"Oh, well I hope you feel better soon!" Mitsuri cheered

Iguro smiled "Thanks Mitsuri-chan"

She stayed quiet but smiled brightly and truly. Her mood was won back.

Giyuu walked over, but didn't say a word. Only looked at the two with a blank expression, he was being more like his usual, inarticulate mood.

Obanai rolls his eyes "What do you want ra-" he remembered of Mitsuri's presence "Tomioka, what do you need" he said cruelly sounding

"Are you Kanroji's boyfriend?" The barely visible Muichiro asked

"EHH!?" Mitsuri blushed up

"Kid. Where did you even come from?" Iguro asked

"I've always been here. Can I have a cookie?" Mui pointed at the cloth bag Obanai was holding

Sanemi walked over "What's happening?"

Iguro gave Muichiro a cookie gently, he knew at least to be nice to children, despite the kid being incredibly intelligent, it only appeared when Mui was fighting a demon.

Muichiro munched on the chocolate chip cookie


"Hello my children" Kagaya stepped forward

The Hashira stoppped arguing and bowed forward

"Greetings Oyakata-sama" Iguro started

"Alright, we have a mission for two of you. Six dead bodies have been discovered at a small cabin by the west of an old inn to the north. The only survivor said that they were absorbed and the culprit fled upon sunrise. Mitsuri, Iguro this mission is for the two of you"

'A mission with Kanroji' Iguro nodded "Understood"

Mitsuri and Iguro ran into the woods. Their crows led the way, it was clear who's crow was who's since Mitsuri wore a pink and green bonnet on hers. A word wasn't exchanged before they got to a house clearly covered in blood.

A boy exited "Are you demon slayers?"

Mitsuri bent down "Yes, we'll kill whoever took the lives of your parents and siblings, that's a promise"

The boy's eyes swelled up and tears flew out of them "THANK YOU, Miss... "


"Thank you Miss Kanroji, mister . . .. ." his eyes landed on the heterochromic

"We don't have time for introductions, let's go Mitsuri-chan" Iguro said coldly

"R-Right!" she turned around "We'll be back with vengeance! And snacks, you must be starving, your mother hasn't cooked for you in days!" She shrieked

They head off, past the trees, it wasn't exactly pointless looking for demons in broad daylight, you always knew they'd be in a cave of some sort.

"Mitsuri, can you see a shady area?" Iguro, the man with damaged eyesight asked

"I SEE A CAVE!" She yelled

They entered, to find a demon inside

"Prey, I see" it said creepily

"We aren't only weak prey! We're strong prey! I mean-" Mitsuri searched for words "We're here to avenge that poor boy's family!"

"Should've eaten the boy too, I guess" The demon said blatantly

"Are you like, an idiot?" Iguro asked the demon

The demon raised a hand "Say that in heaven- or hell, you might be horrible people"

"Love breathing First form" Mitsuri leaped up with her whip-like katana and swung it around in circles around her body like a ballerina dancer with a ribbon, it went around and sliced off the demons' head beautifully "Shivers of first love"

"Nice send, Mitsuri-chan" Iguro shot her a thumbs up

"KYAA, THANK YOU, OBANAI-KUN" Her face got more serious "Now. We have more business to attend to" she said dramatically

Iguro looked at her seriously, expecting something important to follow

"Why are we at a convenience store again?" Iguro asked as Kanroji bought a butt load of snacks and instant ramen.

"That boy hasn't had home cooking since his mother passed!" Mitsuri justified

"He looked to be 8, he's not a toddler"

"COULD YOU COOK AT EIGHT?" She fired "Just imagine, never being able to taste your mothers' cooking! HOW WOULD YOU BE WITHOUT YOUR MOTHERS' COOKING?"

"I don't have a mother, Mitsuri" Obanai sighed


"I do" he responded 'If making instant Ramen and eating out counted as cooking. . . . . am I lonely as hell like Sanemi said?' he thought

"We're back!~" Mitsuri chimed. The boy exited, his face lit up. "We brought snacks, and your family has been avenged" She said proudly

"YOU DID?!" the boy burst

"We're just that good!" Mitsuri said happily "Aren't you happy?!" she cheered


Iguro looked at the kid blankly, he knew how much Mitsuri loved children but stepped in anyway "Mitsuri, we have to leave soon"

"Oh come on, Iguro–san! I'll cook him some ramen first! He hasn't eaten in days!" She announced

"Fine~" he groaned

They left after some time "Bye bye, you have relatives to go to, right?" Mitsuri asked

The boy nodded "I'm going to an aunts' place. Bye Kanroji, Iguro" He bowed lowly and got on his knees "I will be eternally gratefully for your help"

Iguro was taken aback "It's only our job"

"YOU'RE WELCOME. We hope you live a full life now" Mitsuri cheered

They were off "That boy was so sweet, wasn't he?"

Iguro nodded

A/N: Can you all vote on this? Please, it gives me feelings of happiness

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