Poetry: Why Tell Your Own Stories?

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Why tell your own stories?
To document your worries?
So, you might look back someday,
And see all your problems in array?

You might see what you've overcome,
And silence the thrum,
And your shaking hands,
Knowing it will be over again?

Or do you write to satisfy yourself?
The child you were who looked up to themself.
Themself when they were older,
More capable and boulder.

Overflowing with imagination and nowhere to put it,
They waited for you to grow and commit to it;
To a life as an established writer,
So, you must keep writing, even if you've lost your desire?

No, I tell you, no, that is not the reason.
I write because someone once told be it'd grant me freedom.
They said if I wrote, I'd feel accomplished like they would,
If they could just finish their first book, all would be good.

So, as I looked into their long-empty house,
I decided to make a promise,
I would keep writing for them far longer than I wished,
So, beneath their grave, they might finally feel accomplished.


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