5 : Attraction

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6 ft 3

"What are you doing, we are gonna get caught" I say as Damian drags me by my arm through the hallway of Kristen's mansion "calm down didn't you say ruby was with your note and you needed it back" Damian says walking with longer strides now

Thats what you think

I just lied about that so I could spy on Kristen and Damian, earlier in class I heard ruby telling her friends she was going over to Kristen's house and they were gonna have a lot of fun, I don't know what got into me because I immediately started acting weird and jealous and immediately the bell rang I told damian that ruby took my note and I needed it for a project. I wanted him to go check on them.

I was surprised he just agreed, but I didn't know I was gonna follow him to go get it.

And now here I am sneaking through Kristen's mansion like a stalker.

I didn't even know he was rich

But what was more troublesome was how damian got access to the mansion easily

"Wait"I stop in my tracks "how did you get access to Kristen's house"I say folding my hands and furrowing my brows "what do you think " he says crossing his arms " I don't know" I was confused now "I live here " damian shrugs

Whattttt so they're brothers and I'm planning to spy on one brother with the other

This is messed up

Now I get why he looks like Kristen

" s..so you g..guys are brothers"I couldn't even form the words properly

"No we are just cousins" damian says making an irritated face

Why was he acting as if he hated him

"Why is your face like that and why are you li.." I couldn't even finish my sentence when damian pushes us both in an empty room and he falls on top of me but his weight wasn't rested on me.

"Hey what was that for" I say wanting to stand up but is pushed back down by damian

"Shhhh they are about to walk by" damian quickly covers my mouth and brings his face very close to mine

"Do you have to be so close and why is your hand on my waist" I whisper and he just smiles stupidly

"Oh sorry" he says slowly removing his hand from my waist

Why was he so slow

And my heart was beating so fast from th close proximity

I just push him off me and go towards the door to eavesdrop on the voices I heard outside

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