The Beginning

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I, your author, simple and small.
Offer the words for those who fall.
Unlike a short introduction,
A brief poem was in production.

Maxwell Diehart, a young man,
Writing since youth, with all I can.
Married, warm, somewhat happy,
Living in a world so utterly sappy.

I adore my cats, and gaming too..
Writing, drawing, trying what's new.
I write from a frail, feeble heart,
In the poetry world to play my part.

I deliver a perspective, a new view,
All to my readers, many or few.
I'm not as creative, not as sly,
To which I ask questions, "Why?"

Why must I be like every other?
Why write like another?
Writing is simply my investment,
The rhyme, the words, my testament.

So pleasure to meet you, Audience.
This is a story, my embodiments.

A Hopeless AffiliationDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora