Getting Groceries

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"No Bing, we need the turkey, not the ham

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"No Bing, we need the turkey, not the ham." Said Beep.

"Oh! Sorry!"

"No! That's far too big Bing!" Said a frightened Beep

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"No! That's far too big Bing!" Said a frightened Beep.

"With all due respect Beep, most turkeys are giant." Reasoned Bang.

"True." Sighed Beep, she looked into her list and put down a checkmark. "We can fit it in the budget. Put it in." Said Beep.

Bing got excited and placed it inside the already bursting cart. As he did that, Bo came back with two cartons of ice cream and placed it inside the cart.

"So what do we need now Beep?" She asked curious.

"No, I think that's everything." Beep said. "Does anyone want anything else?" She smiled.

"How about we get a pie?" Requested Boop.

"What kind?" Asked Beep.

"I don't know, apple?" He shrugged.

"I think we're all out of that." Said Beep.

"How about cranberry?" Said Bo.

"Cranberry?" Everyone said weirded out.

"Well we're not having cranberry sauce this year, why not settle for second best?"

"Bo, we didn't have cranberry sauce cause no one eats it, what are we going to do with a cranberry pie?" Said a disgusted Bing.

"Cranberries are delicious little buddy." Said Bang, patting Bing's head. "I'm sure a cranberry pie will taste pretty yummy too."

"Fine." Bing said. "Only because you said it."

"Then it's decided!" Said Beep. "Cranberry pie it is!"

On it! Said Bing.

He ran off and returned with a large cranberry pie in a heartbeat.

"How much is that?" Said a scared Beep.


Beep made a look of pain and groaned. "Put it in.."

Once Bing did, Beep briefly said no more stuff and started to push the cart off to the checkout.

"A large turkey, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, green bean casserole, sausage balls, brie with honey, and a cranberry pie. That'll be 150 dollars and 67 cents."

Beep made a look of pain and handed the clerk the money. Once she received the receipt and change, they all carried the groceries to the car and hopped in as Bang drove them home.

"We got some really great dishes this year! I can't wait to cook them all!" Smiled Bo.

"I just want to eat those sausage balls! Said an excited Bing.

"You can eat anything you want." Said Boop. "I just want to eat. We only deserve such a relaxing day after all the work we've done recently."

"Speaking of which Beep, you were so stingy about the prices in the store today. What was that about? Our Thanksgiving bonus is supposed to cover all of that and MORE!"

"I know." Said Beep, "I just want to save a little for black Friday." She sighed.

"I don't know if it's worth it Beep." Said Bo. "It's too violent and they're not really deals. It's better to wait until after Christmas to go shopping."

"Yeah, I suppose that you have a point there Bo."

"Do you even want to buy anything man?" Asked Bang from the front.

"Being honest, I don't even know where to go, and what would I buy?" She smiled. "What should we do for Friday then?"

"Maybe play football?" Asked Bing.

"I think all the big fields are taken now for the real football players sadly."

"Should we meet up with any of our friends?" Asked Bo.

"No...I think we should just do something ourselves. Besides Thanksgivings tomorrow. I think it's too late to coordinate anything."

"What should we do then?" Asked Bing.

At the stop light, everybody paused to think. Then suddenly, Boop had an idea.

"Why don't we just have a sleepover? Stay in our pajamas and just relax for the day?"

Everybody was stunned.

"That's a perfect idea Boop!" Smiled Beep.

"We're already going to be under the tryptophan's influence so why not?" Boop shrugged, smiling.

"It's a date!" Beep smiled.

"So when we come over tomorrow, we will also bring our pj's and sleeping bags too?" Asked a smiling Bo.

Boop nodded smug.

Bo got super excited. "I can't wait for this! Man, I can't wait any longer for Thanksgiving to come!" She whined.

"Well, we've arrived somewhere at least." Said Bang as he pulled up to his house.

Everyone then went inside and placed the groceries inside and started to prepare the Turkey so it'll be ready in time for dinner.

-1 hour later-

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-1 hour later-

"Alright, that's good."

"I'll leave it to slow roast in the oven man, then in the morning, it'll be prepared and ready to go! Then, we'll just have to work on the other dishes. Sound good man?" Asked Bang.

"You bet!" Said Bing.

"Yes!" Said Bo.

Boop nodded his head.

"Yes." beep said proud. "Just don't forget to take it out okay? I really don't want to eat burned chicken.

"Will do man!" Said Bang.

"Alright! Since this all settled, we should get packing up now. Bang, I trust that you will get the place ready by the time we come over at 2."

Bang made a salute and then ushered everyone out his house as he prepared his home for his friends.

"Wow, how exciting." Said Bang. "I can't wait for tomorrow and Friday! He smiled.

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