The Sleepover

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Boop's Pov

With no alarm and tryptophan in our systems, we woke up at around 2pm today, way later than any of us could imagine.

I was woken up this morning by the moans of a tired Bing asking, "What time is it?" and Beep checked her phone to see it was 2:57. Naturally we were shocked by this and Beep simply responded with "It's okay gang." As we all got up from our slumber.

When I rubbed my eyes and checked my phone clock too, I saw for myself that she wasn't wrong and proposed an idea on what to do.

"Since it's almost three, why don't we have some kind of brunch to compensate for this revelation? I'm thinking pancakes."

"I could use something soft in my system after all that meat and vegetables yesterday." Said a sleepy Bo.

"Any objections?" Said Beep.

Everyone was quiet.

"Then it's settled!" She said,

At Beep's words, we all walked into the fridge to go make the pancakes, it was pretty low key being honest, not even Bing rushing to do anything and we just moved at a moderate pace. While Bang was flipping the pancakes, Beep tried to wake us up with some kind of trivia or game, but she ultimately just turned on the tv and went from there.

"Brunch is served man!" He said, putting down a plate of pancakes.

As we all got some food, I noticed Beep start to doze off, and she fell asleep on Bang!

I gestured to Bing to shut it, and I got out my phone and recorded Beep as she started to mutter and drool right on his arm! It was adorable and so hilarious! I even ended up laughing myself!

I ended up laughing just a tad too loud which woke Beep up to the realization that she was being filmed! Oh no!

An embarrassed Boppalot said "Gang!!!!" And she turned on the TV to some Thanksgiving specials, trying to divert the attention.

While we saw a lot of episodes, the one we liked the most was unanimously the Charlie Brown one by what we said at the end of it. SPOILERS! Of course.

"What an amazing special!" Said a happy Bo.

"Yeah that Snoopy is something!" Snickered Bing.

"But while everybody was out eating toast, Snoopy has a giant Turkey hidden in his dog house!" I said.

"That's why it's called a cartoon Boop!"

"Yeah, true." I sighed.

"Besides man," Said Bang, putting an arm on my head. "He actually ate the toast and other stuff with him man. So he wasn't completely heartless."

"I can agree." Smiled Beep.

"Yeah, that's true." I said, smiling smally. Changing the subject, I asked. "Since it looks like we're all finished with our brunch, what should we do next?"

"I've got just the idea!" Perked Beep as she got up.

She went to the living room and played some fun pop music and jumped up and down, I've never seen this like her before.

"Since we're all tired." She said, "How about we wake each other up?" Beep smiled.

"Oh my goodness! Are you planning what you think I'm planning Beep?" Said Bing excited.

Beep nodded smiling.

Unable to contain his excitement, Bin all perked up and said,


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