Part 3: Initiation

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Elysium's Academy of Magic...

It is said that it was formed way back during the discovery of magic and that a being from the Infernals, was the one who taught the first humans how to use their new powers. After divisions started to form, Elyria, one of the Infernal's first and most dedicated students, created a small school where everyone could learn. Elyria was also one of the first Pillars; the Pillar of Knowledge. The rest of the Pillars joined and this school became a place of knowledge and acceptance of all forms of magic, thus the Capitol Runestrand was created inside the Elysium Kingdom. This capitol would be the center of all magic and students were accepted from all over the nation, all students who could meet the requirements that is...

When the gang arrived at the school, they got greeted by the student council and they were urged to find a seat. The school was having an outdoors welcome ceremony before letting the students enter the Colosseum for a small demonstration of what they are going to be learning during the school year. At the ceremony, all of the students were first years, except the student council and a few select students attending. Since the gang were the last to arrive, everyone was already prepared and the director was about to start his speech, what Akira didn't know was that his brother and the rest of the Pillars were also going to be participating on the stage. Akira struggled to find a seat, but a girl waved at him, she had black hair with green highlights and green eyes. Besides her, there was a guy that looked at Akira with a narrowed gaze and irritated demeanor, he didn't seem happy that everyone had to wait for them. The rest of the students beside them made Akira felt weirdly comfortable, but he couldn't get a good look at them.

*** Akira's POV ***

"Students, welcome to Elysium's School of Magic!" the director begun his speech, he's an eccentric man with white hair and blue eyes.

"This year will be the first of your best years learning magic. As the director of this esteemed institution, it is both an honor and a privilege to stand before you today as we embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary. For centuries, this institution has been a beacon of knowledge, a sanctuary where magic thrives, and were potential transforms into mastery. You, dear students, are the custodians of that legacy, the torchbearers of our cherished traditions, and the architects of our magical future. In the halls of Elysium's School of Magic, differences are celebrated, creativity is encouraged, and knowledge is revered. Embrace the diversity of magical practices, learn from your peers, and respect the power that courses through this school. Your journey here will be filled with challenges that test your intellect, courage, and character. Yet, it is in overcoming these trials that you will grow stronger, wiser, and more adept in wielding the forces of magic. Now, a round of applause as I leave you with the leader of the Pillars and one of our most important students, Hiro!"

Students started screaming, whistling and applauding. Some of them hadn't got a good look at the Pillars before and some of them hadn't ever seen them.

"Fellow students, as you know, my name is Hiro Akamatsu from the Summoner's Akamatsu Clan. Dear students, today I stand before you not solely as the Pillar of Creation, but as a humble learner. Magic's essence doesn't solely lie in books or incantations; its true power dwells within the wisdom shared among us. Embrace the teachings of your peers, for in their knowledge lies the key to unlocking the greatest spells. Remember, true mastery of magic is not found in isolation, but in the unity of our collective wisdom. To some, this first year will seem impossible, to others, this will be trivial, but to both of them, the true gift is found in the bonds you make. We hope that you all find yourself in this school and that you do your best!"

Students started applauding and screaming excitedly, others didn't seem like they were all that happy with the Pillars. After both of these speeches, the student council president took the microphone.

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